# Exploit Title:Monstra-Dev 3.0.4 Stored Cross Site Scripting # Date: 04-08-2018 # Exploit Author: Nainsi Gupta # Vendor Homepage: http://monstra.org/ # Software Link: https://github.com/monstra-cms/monstra #Published In- https://indiancybersecuritysolutions.com/cve-2018-14922-cross-site-scripting/ # Product Name: Monstra-dev # Version: 3.0.4 # Tested on: Windows 10 (Firefox/Chrome) # CVE : CVE-2018-14922 #POC 1. 1. Go to the site ( http://server.com/monstra-dev/ ) . 2- Click on Registration page (Registration) . 3- Register by giving you name ,mail and soo on... 4 -Now log In i the website. 5.After loggin in click on edit profile and in the frist name and last name copy paste this payload- in firsname paste "> and in Lastname paste "> 6. After saving the above changes, click on edit profile page and you will be able to see to Pop up stating Gupta and Nainsi.