# Exploit Title: Symfony < 2.7.13 - Remote information Disclosure # Google Dork: N/A # Date: 6/27/2018 # Exploit Author: Abdeljalil Nouiri (pwny) # Author Mail : abdel001nouiri[at]gmail[dot]com # Vendor Homepage: https://www.symfony.com/ # Version: 2.7.13 # Tested on: Win10 x64, Ubuntu # Exploit : -STEP 1: This Vulnerability Will Work if the "app_dev" isn't disabled url : https://localhost/app_dev.php/ -STEP 2: the last step of symfony configuration still accessible , this would leak all information including ( database host/user/password ... etc) url :https://localhost/app_dev.php/_configurator/final # POC : http://prntscr.com/kbuua8