================================================= Synopsis: Post XSS with dual CSRF via inproper sanitized user input. Product: Peel Shopping Cart Version: 9.0.0 Researcher: Matt Landers mattjoeland@gmail.com twitter.com/matthewjland https://mjlanders.org/ ================================================= The following csrf/xss proof of concept demonstrates first how an item can be added to the customers cart via CSRF on https:///en/achat/caddie_ajout.php , and secondly how the properties of the item in cart can be modified via CSRF to include a XSS payload that is inserted in to the function within https:///achat/caddie_affichage.php . I have chosen to include the CSRF that adds an item to the victims cart so that we can make sure that there is actually something in the cart to modify with the second CSRF instance. This POC will load two tabs to show how the CSRF is implemented, the first to add an item to cart, the second to modify the item to include a XSS payload. ------POC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hidden field [qte]
Hidden field [func]
Hidden field [id[0]]
Hidden field [listcadeaux_owner[0]]
Hidden field [option[0]]
Hidden field [id_attribut[0]]
Hidden field [couleurId[0]]
Hidden field [tailleId[0]]
Hidden field [email_check[0]]
Hidden field [quantite[0]]
Hidden field [code_promo]
Hidden field [null]
Hidden field [pays_zone]
Hidden field [type]
Hidden field [null]