# # # # # # Exploit Title: Php Inventory & Invoice Management System - Arbitrary File Upload # Dork: N/A # Date: 30.10.2017 # Vendor Homepage: http://savsofteproducts.com/ # Software Link: http://www.phpinventory.com/ # Demo: http://phpinventory.com/phpinventory_demo/ # Version: N/A # Category: Webapps # Tested on: WiN7_x64/KaLiLinuX_x64 # CVE: CVE-2017-15990 # # # # # # Exploit Author: Ihsan Sencan # Author Web: http://ihsan.net # Author Social: @ihsansencan # # # # # # Description: # # The vulnerability allows an users upload arbitrary file.... # # Vulnerable Source: # # .............1 # if($_FILES['userfile']['name']!=''){ # $target = 'images/user_pics/'; # $targets = $target . basename( $_FILES['userfile']['name']); # $docadd=($_FILES['userfile']['name']); # if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $targets)) # { # $pfilename=$_FILES['userfile']['name']; # $filename=time().$pfilename; # $new_path=$target.$filename; # rename($targets,$new_path); # } # #}else{ #$filename=$_POST['user_picname']; #} # .............2,3,4 # $target = 'images/logo/'; # $target = 'images/product_images/'; # $target = 'images/service_providers/'; # Etc.. # ............. # # Proof of Concept: # # http://localhost/[PATH]/index.php/dashboard/edit_myaccountdetail/ # # http://localhost/[PATH]/images/user_pics/[...].php # # Etc.. # # # # #