# Title: HTML Injection in dolibarr # Author: Sergio Galán - @NaxoneZ # Date: Dec 24,2015 # Vendor Homepage: *http://www.dolibarr.es/ * # Vulnerable version: < 3.8.3 # CVE: CVE-2015-8685 Dolibarr no properly escape untrusted data to prevent injection in the text fields. Any examples of fields affected are the parameter url from external calendar or the bank's name field (maybe others can be affected). [*] Poc You only need to inject the script code in this field like a: "> < img src='http://www.xxx.com > More Info =======https://github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr/issues/4291 Fixed ======= https://github.com/GPCsolutions/dolibarr/commit/0d3181324c816bdf664ca5e1548dfe8eb05c54f8