Hello. I hope this is the correct place to report this bug. I've found a Content Security Policy bypass similar to the same and related to the same origin policy bypass in this CVE. This is a separate vulnerability, however. https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-6041 I've tested this on an Android 4.3 tablet. I've tested this and it works on Firefox (32.0.2), InBrowser, Dolphin (App info doesn't give version). I also tested the default android browser on 4.3.1 emulator which was also vulnerable. PoC: The content security policy rule that should block this is script-src 'self' https://js.stripe.com/v2/ ; The PoC worked if you see a popup containing stripes e(){} object. You can test this on http://ejj.io/test.php Cheers, Evan J