Hello, I attach information about CVE-2013-5572 (Zabbix leakage password). ================================================================ ID: CVE-2013-5572 Title: Vulnerability Leak Password Zabbix Date: 23/08/2013 Status: Not Solved Scope: Privilege Elevation Author: Chema Alonso, Pablo González, Germán Sánchez ================================================================ There is a security bug on Zabbix 2.0.5. This bug allows to see a zabbix user’s password, if this user has a open session in management console. Potentially, This vulnerability allows to carry on an privilege elevation affecting the way Active Directory resources on Enterprise Network are accessed. About Zabbix ------------ >From Wikipedia : "Zabbix is a network management system application [...] designed to monitor and track the status of various network services, servers, and other network hardware." Vulnerability description ------------------------- First, once the user is able to open a console session in Zabbix, he or she can access to the tab (Administration -> Users) where the various users of the system are displayed. The user that has been impersonated can view the application source code finding there the password that interacts Zabbix, for example with the domain controller. The field that should be looked for in the source code of the website is type = "password" id = "ldap_bind_password" name = "ldap_bind_password" value = . Another option to discover the password supposes that, once the user requests the refreshing the web page, the browser asks the user to store or cache the password. Affected versions and platforms ------------------------------- This bug has been verified on the Zabbix 2.0.5. Although the bug can probably be found in previous versions. Thank you.