(for those that prefer text: https://www.kiwicon.org/cfp2013.txt ) 久闻大名的草泥马们[1] [1] colloquially, “s’up, motherfuckers”[2] [2] literally, “long have we heard the name of the grass mud horse”[3] [3] figuratively, the one horse joke we will beat to death The Crüe welcomes you to New Zealand’s best (also only) hacker con. __ ___ ____ ________ \/ _? | | _(>ω<)_ _ _(_^▽^)___ ____ ____ \______ \ <'l ( .\ | |/ / \ \/ \/ / |/ ___\/ _ \ / \ / / ll @羊人@@ | 鸡<| |\ 尾 /| \ \__( <会> ) | \ / 七 / l草泥马~ @|@@|| |__|_ \__ | \/\_/ |__ |\___ >____/|___| / /____/ || || '' '' \/ \/ \/ '' ''__ _-----\ ------/ \_--- NEW ZEALAND'S HACKER CON - WELLINGTON 9-10 NOV 2013 / Kiwicon 7: 9-10th November 2013, The Opera House, Wellington, New Zealand. Firstly, your rebellion against the hegemony of 7-bit US-ASCII is justified. Without your Unicode output path you will not be able to read our CFP in a properly harmonious fashion. For this is your polyglot welcome to Kiwicon 七 - Kiwicon 7. This once, we are auspicious in both East and West. In Mandarin, 七 represents togetherness, while the word for seven sounds like 起, to arise, or even 气, which we shall __- loosely translate as “spunk” (not moxie, or gumption, but a /' ) different sort of spunk - the sort the Kiwicon Crüe `/( \ traditionally rejoice in.) This year, we find our precious \_\_> fluids have been tainted. Though spring bursts and burgeons ==="="\== with sprout and flower, we are brittle and dry against the ' vegetable surge. No out-curling ferns; no delicate fronds ^^ a kākā of new life, new growth. And all the while the kākā rips at (kinda) our protective bark to lick at what life essence remains to us. And so we are sapped of our spunk, enfiladed by state espionage. In our terror, we cannot see all and know all about those who wish us harm, and worse, we are betrayed by the overwatching orrery of our own five eyes. It is, to borrow the words of a Reverend, not very neighbourly at all. Time for us to get some new neighbours. Our new neighbors know what it is to watch their dreams, police themselves for thoughtcrime, to speak in a bestiary of metaphor in the name of harmony. Fortunately, our national background has already made some of us overly familiar with certain animals; perhaps more with 羊 (sheep) than the river crabs of the 马勒戈壁 (Mahler Gobi desert), but we will turn our grief into strength, and we will learn. In this spirit of 七 - togetherness - with other 讷嘚族 (nerrrds), we welcome your submissions to Kiwicon 七. Hacking is a culture of innovation and circumvention; of flipping bits, flipping pointers, flipping the enforcement mechanisms against themselves and flipping the (kākā) bird. Share with us your techniques, your research and your tools. Let us all stand in firmness and solidarity with those who can teach us so much. To have friends coming in from afar is delightful! Join us at Kiwicon 7, and say 羊人的鸡尾会坚挺地支持草泥马 because if we don't listen to the parable of the Grass Mud Horse and the River Crab now we will have to learn it over Tor later, while 囧 (do we have to translate? just look how sad that character is).. Kiwicon is not all 草沃(fertile grass), so alas we cannot provide travel or accommodation to speakers. But we would gladly accept your submissions on topics various; - computer hacking type shenanigans - snapper quotas - exactly how the GSCB intends to implement its obligations under the TICS bill, on the assumption that it will pass in the same way as the GCSB bill (sadly, it’s a Dunne deal) - interpretive dance or poetry explaining how a politician who resigned his ministerial post rather than give up the contents of his mail spool ends up being the deciding vote for a law that legalises snooping of all our spools (note: recitals of Alanis Morissette not permitted) - quite exactly how “freedom” came to be “rolling packet captures of all the things” - explaining to our Prime Minister how end to end encryption works Submit the traditional data: Name/Handle: Title: Synopsis: Duration: Origin city, country: A brief bio: As Kiwicon is single threaded, you may block for as much time as you wish; if you have 30 mins of content, submit 30 mins of talk. There will be lighting talk slots of 15 mins, and full hour slots are the exception, not the rule. Submissions to: cfp@kiwicon.org by no later than 7pm NZT, 14 Oct 2013.