Hi, Today, I discovered that a certain large ISP specializing in cloud hosting ( digitalocean.com), has misconfigured their network in a way that allows for anyone to monitor customer network traffic. Per the guidelines of responsible disclosure, I have informed the ISP in question both when I first noticed the issue, and also before going public with the information. As I am sure some of this info has already trickled out (or is perhaps already common knowledge - if so, I apologize), I feel it is paramount to get this information out there, so that customers and others who feel this is not something they want, can act accordingly (or at least take counter-measures to protect their information). What happened: I ordered a cloud vps (a very affordable one at that, I must say) at digitalocean.com, using the NYC node. During the process of checking MySQL replication between master and slave, I noticed there was a lot of background noise in tcpdump. I kept looking and when I eliminated the ports I was using, what was left was somewhat worrying. It seems DigitalOcean has, using KVM and libvirt per their own recognition, put the libvirt-interface in an overly large bridge, and then kept applying more and more networks (multiple /24, it seems). While this might be a convenient way of assigning new networks to an ever-growing customer stock, it also sort of turns the entire thing into an amateur radio station (using the word amateur here to denote the activity, not the skill level of Digitalocean staff!). I want to make one thing clear. This is one of the better cloud shops I have used (and I have used a lot). They seem to have excellent support, provide what they claim to provide, and my billing there so far amounts to less than a dollar (even though I've fiddled with lots of stuff). HOWEVER, this does not mean that I want to be able to read what goes on with various mail, ircd, web and Microsoft sql servers, in networks far outside of my logical reach, as a customer with one IPv4. I am not an angry ex-customer. I will keep using their services, if this is fixed. Which is exactly why I am sending this email. I hope that it might add extra motivation, before someone gets their environment hacked. The way it is now, anyone even remotely interested, could fire up a VPS in less than a minute, and have full sniffing capabilities with hundreds (if not thousands) of servers. All while customers are using said servers to develop what I can only assume is important enough to host in a cloud. I will not paste logs as that would add nothing to my disclosure, more than a possibility to exploit innocent users. I wish to encourage the community to take a few steps back and not engage in target practice, while Digitalocean undoubtedly remedies this situation (I have been in contact with them repeatedly before coming here). I hope that this helps, for whatever it's worth. I will happily answer any followups, as long as they do not include requests for additional probes. This is where my involvement ends. I leave this information in the hands of the community, and Digitalocean (who I hope reads this list). Best Regards, -- Johan Boger