;Title : OllyDbg/Immunity Debugger - Crash POC ;Researcher : Souhail Hammou (Dark-Puzzle) ;Research Team : http://itsecurity.ma ;Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/dark.puzzle.sec ;Date : 29/07/2013 ;================================================================== .386 .model flat,stdcall option casemap:none include /masm32/include/masm32.inc include /masm32/include/kernel32.inc includelib /masm32/lib/masm32.lib includelib /masm32/lib/kernel32.lib ;================================================================== ;Details and Analysis : ;Pictures : 1.jpg : http://oi44.tinypic.com/dytanq.jpg ; 2.jpg : http://oi42.tinypic.com/2md0uvm.jpg ;This bug affects both OllyDbg and Immunity Debugger, a user can crash the debugger using one of the "pane" functionalities. The pane actually helps the reverser ;in order to locate where jumps were taken from or where they will lead, it will also display the memory addresses and display the ASCII format of what it holds if ;it's a printable string of course when the instruction containing that memory address is clicked. ;What we will be looking at is the "modify register" command that will help you modify a register value directly from the pane. ;Let's fully demonstrate the issue by debugging an x86 ASM little program "MASM Syntax". .data welcome db "Hello...",0 bye db "Bye",0 .data? whatever db 10 dup(?) .code test_me : invoke StdOut, addr welcome mov eax, 00403000h ;demonstrating mov instruction lea ecx, bye ;demonstrating lea instruction invoke StdOut, addr bye invoke StdIn, addr whatever,10 invoke ExitProcess,0 end test_me ;Now let's see how the debugger is disassembling the targets' instructions : ;0040100A |. B8 00304000 MOV EAX,test.00403000 ; ASCII "Hello..." ;0040100F |. 8D0D 09304000 LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[403009] ; 00403009 is pointing to ASCII "Bye" ;Now without stepping into the MOV instruction , try just to click on it and you'll see the following in the pane : ; 00403000=test.00403000 (ASCII "Hello...") ;Select this line and click the right button , now click on "modify register" which will open a box indicating that you are about to edit the value of EAX register ;Without stepping again, select the LEA instruction you will see in the pane this : ; Address=00403009, (ASCII "Bye") ;Click the right button on that line again, and select "Modify Register" ... Boom !! Crash ! ;The difference between MOV and LEA is that when dealing with MOV the debugger will edit the value of the register which the instruction is moved to. ;But when dealing with LEA instruction the debugger will just crash. ;=========================================================== ;Quick Crash Analysis : ;=========================================================== ;When the user will click "modify register" in the case of a LEA instruction , Olly/Immunity debugger will try to print "Modify reg" ;using this set of instructions: ;004302B9 . 8B1C95 A475650>MOV EBX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX*4+6575A4] ; | Important Instruction ! ;----Cut---- ;----Cut---- ;004309DA > 8B049D 48D25E0>MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX*4+5ED248] ; | Important Instruction ! ;004309E1 . 8DB424 C609000>LEA ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+9C6] ; | ;004309E8 . 31FF XOR EDI,EDI ; | ;004309EA . C74424 04 0E48>MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4],Immunity.0060480E ; |ASCII "Modify %s" ;004309F2 . 893424 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP],ESI ; | ;004309F5 . 894424 08 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+8],EAX ; | ;004309F9 . E8 12501A00 CALL ; \sprintf ;Actually when dealing with a MOV instruction. at address 004302B9 , [EBX*4+6575A4] will hold a small value that indicates the placement of the targeted register string ;in memory that will be multiplied by 4 and added to memory address 005ED248. ;But when Dealing with a LEA instructions [EBX*4+6575A4] will hold the memory address of the element shown in the pane, in our case 00403009 which equals 4206601 in decimal . ;So when trying to detect which register is dealed with (at 004309DA) , the debugger will face an address that is out of memory range (inexistant) 4206601*4+5ED248 in my case. ;And it will simply CRASH. ;Best Regards, ;Souhail Hammou.