==================================================================================== Fork-CMS CSRF: Introduction Author: Rafay Baloch CSRF OR XSRF (Cross site request forgery) occurs when the victim forces your browser to send a forged request and makes the victim performing a particular action. Any form missing with CSRF tokens is vulnerable to it. Impact: An attacker can accomplish multiple things, he could change the victims form details etc. PROOF OF CONCEPT: The above two forms are misssing with CSRF tokens: The form is missing with CSRF tokens which means that an attacker can force a user to link to a campaign monitor account. http://demo.fork-cms.com/private/en/mailmotor/settings?token=true#tabSettingsAccount POC:
http://demo.fork-cms.com/private/en/settings/email http://demo.fork-cms.com/backend/ajax.php Mitigations: - Reauthenticate the user, if he performs an important action upon his account, e.g delete a user, delete himselves etc. - Add a CSRF token to each and every request and make sure that it is validated upon the server.