# Exploit Title: e107 v1.0.2 Administrator CSRF Resulting in SQL Injection # Google Dork: intext:"This site is powered by e107" # Date: 01/01/13 # Exploit Author: Joshua Reynolds # Vendor Homepage: http://e107.org # Software Link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/e107/files/e107/e107%20v1.0.2/e107_1.0.2_full.tar.gz/download # Version: 1.0.2 # Tested on: BT5R1 - Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS # CVE: CVE-2012-6434 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerability in the e107_admin/download.php page, which is also vulnerable to SQL injection in the POST form. The e-token or ac tokens are not used in this page, which results in the CSRF vulnerability. This in itself is not a major security vulnerability but when done in conjunction with a SQL injection attack it can result in complete information disclosure. The parameters which are vulnerable to SQL injection on this page include: download_url, download_url_extended, download_author_email, download_author_website, download_image, download_thumb, download_visible, download_class. The following is an exploit containing javascript code that submits a POST request on behalf of the administrator once the page is visited. It contains a SQL injection that would provide the username and password (in MD5) of the administrator to be added to the Author Name of a publicly available download. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exploit:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fix: This bug has been fixed in the following revision: r13058 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shout outs: Red Hat Security Team, Ms. Umer, Dr. Wu, Tim Williams, friends, & family. Contact: Mail: infosec4breakfast@gmail.com Blog: infosec4breakfast.com Twitter: @jershmagersh Youtube: youtube.com/user/infosec4breakfast