# Exploit Title: InterPhoto CMS Shell Upload # Google Dork: intext:"Created by InterPhoto" # Date: 03/09/2012 # Exploit Author: NinjaVirus # Vendor Homepage: http://www.weensoft.com/ # Software Link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/interphoto/files/InterPhoto_2.4.0_English.rar/download # Version: 2.4.0 # Tested on: Windows XP SP3 1. Go to this route and Register an Account : http://site/register.php 2. Go to this route and Upload the shell.php instead of your photo (shell.php.jpg) : http://site/mydesk.upload.php 3. so rename shell.php.jpg to shell.php by Live HTTP Headers.(Mozilla FireFox Add-ons) 4. Locate the shell in this route : http://site/MyWebsiteImages/XX/original/YY.php XX=Name of This Folder Like This Pattern : Year_Month_RandomChar(Sample : 2012_10_oZUGCD7IP81I) YY=Name of Shell.(Renamed to Random Char)