# Exploit Title: Jaow <= 2.4.5 Blind Sql Injection # Google Dork: intext:"propuls� par jaow 2.4.5" # Date: 23/05/2012 # Software Link: http://www.jaow.net/telechargements/Jaow_V2.4.5.zip # Version: 2.4.5 # Tested on: Debian GNU/Linux # Author: kallimero = Introduction = Jaow is a CMS that can manage sites of small sizes, thanks to its simple, commented code you can easily create templates and / or create modules to suit your needs. Jaow is the solution for small sites, blogs or portfolio. = Details = Unfortunately, a Blind SQL injection is possible in the 2.4.5 core. Vulnerable page : add_ons.php Extract from the source : -------------[ add_ons.php ]-------------- // On stocke dans une variable simple le add_on demand� $add_on = stripslashes($_GET['add_ons']); // On recherche si l'add_on est install� echo 'SELECT id,nom FROM '.$db_prefix.'add_ons WHERE nom="'.$add_on.'" AND actif="1"'; $query_add_ons = mysql_query('SELECT id,nom FROM '.$db_prefix.'add_ons WHERE nom="'.$add_on.'" AND actif="1"'); -------------[ add_ons.php ]-------------- So, we can inject sql with the add_ons variable, like that : http://[site]/[path]/add_ons.php?add_ons=[SQL injection] = Solutions = Update is avalaible here : http://www.jaow.net/Article-97 = Thanks = Thanks to necromoine, fr0g, st0rn, applestorm, Zhyar, k3nz0, m4ke and all hwc-crew members. http://hwc-crew.com/ And all npn members. http://n-pn.info/