========================================================= VUlnerable Software: Ajaxmint Gallery version 1.0 * @Software AjaxMint Gallery * @Author Rajapandian - arajapandi@gmail.com http://ajaxmint.com/ ========================================================= ========================================================= Tested: *php.ini MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC OFF* Safe mode off /* OS: Windows XP SP2 (32 bit) Apache: PHP Version: MYSQL: 5.5.24 ========================================================= Ajaxmint Gallery Local File Inclusion: Vulnerable code section: =============BEGIN SNIP============ //ajaxmint-gallery/system/engine/router.php public function __construct($route, $args = array()) { $path = ''; if(count($parts = explode('/', str_replace('../', '', $route))) <= 1) { $parts = explode('_',$route); } array_filter($parts); ===========END OF SNIP============== Workaround: Replace line no 10 with this: if(count($parts = explode('/', str_replace('../', '', str_ireplace('\\','',$route)))) <= 1) { This techniques can be used by attacker (after gaining access to administration section) to execute his/her *PHP* code on webserver.\..\..\..\ajaxmint-gallery/pictures/5_me.jpg%00 where 5_me.jpg is uploaded backdoor.(aka shell) @Print screen: http://s019.radikal.ru/i612/1205/f2/d2f59b115eca.png Note that this vuln is limited to :WIndows OS+You need to be an admin. Also for developers of this script: Please sanitize data properly.Unescape \ characters too when dealing with sql queries. Otherwise theris chance to Fragmented Sql injections. Translate Windows directory separators to Unix STyle. This is possible to upload shell simply like backdoor.php Please *check your input file's mimetype+extension properly.*Validate it properly too. ======================EoF===================== Never Play... 1) Comcast Recycled.mp3 ++++As always My Special Thanks to:++++ packetstormsecurity.org packetstormsecurity.com packetstormsecurity.net securityfocus.com cxsecurity.com security.nnov.ru securtiyvulns.com && to all AA Team ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you. /AkaStep ^_^