+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # Exploit Title : Sitecom WLM-2501 new Multiple CSRF Vulnerabilities # Date : 22-03-2012 # Author : Ivano Binetti (http://www.ivanobinetti.com) # Vendor site : http://www.sitecom.com/wireless-modem-router-300n/p/859 # Version : WLM-2501 # Tested on : WLM-2501 (All Sitecom WL series might be is affected by these vulnerabilities) # Original Advisory: http://www.webapp-security.com/?p=75 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1)Introduction 2)Vulnerability Description 3)Exploit 3.1 Disable Mac Filtering 3.2 Disable IP/Port Filtering 3.3 Disable Port Forwarding 3.4 Disable Wireless Access Control 3.5 Disable Wi-Fi Protected Setup 3.6 Disable URL Blocking Filter 3.7 Disable Domain Blocking Filter 3.8 Disable IP Address ACL Filter +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1)Introduction Sitecom WLM-2501 is a Wireless Modem Router 300N which uses a web management interface - listening to default on tcp/ip port 80 - and "admin" as default administrator. His default ip address is 2)Vulnerability Description The web interface of this router is affected by muktiple CSRF vulnerabilities which allows to change the following router's parameters: - Disable Mac Filtering - Disable/Modify IP/Port Filtering - Disable/Modify Port Forwarding - Disable/Modify Wireless Access Control - Disable Wi-Fi Protected Setup - Disable/Modify URL Blocking Filter - Disable/Modify Domain Blocking Filter - Disable/Modify IP Address ACL - Change Wireless Passphrase - Enable/Modify Remote Access (also on WAN interface) 3)Exploit 3.1 Disable Mac Filtering

CSRF Exploit to change Wireless Passphrase

3.2 Disable IP/Port Filtering

CSRF Exploit to change Wireless Passphrase

3.3 Disable Port Forwarding

CSRF Exploit to change Wireless Passphrase

3.4 Disable Wireless Access Control

CSRF Exploit to change Wireless Passphrase

3.5 Disable Wi-Fi Protected Setup

CSRF Exploit to change Wireless Passphrase

3.6 Disable URL Blocking Filter

CSRF Exploit to change Wireless Passphrase

3.7 Disable Domain Blocking Filter

CSRF Exploit to change Wireless Passphrase

3.8 Disable IP Address ACL Filter

CSRF Exploit to change Wireless Passphrase
