#!/usr/bin/env python # HideMAC - 0x4641494c - v1.2 # By infodox - credit to Trip from Hak5 for the getmac function, as mine did not work! # Credits to Mario Scondo for randomMAC function! import os import commands import sys import random # Function: amiroot() def amiroot(): if os.geteuid() != 0: print "[-] sorry, you need to run this as root" sys.exit(1) else: pass # Function: randommac() def randomMAC(): mac = [ 0x00, random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff) ] return ':'.join(map(lambda x: "%02x" % x, mac)) return newmac # Function: getmac(iface) def getmac(iface): data = commands.getoutput("ifconfig " + iface) words = data.split() found = 0 for x in words: #print x if found != 0: mac = x break if x == "HWaddr": found = 1 if len(mac) == 0: mac = 'Mac not found' mac = mac[:17] print mac # Function: check() def check(): if os.path.isfile("/usr/local/bin/macchanger") == True: print("MAC Changer is installed, using it...") macchanger_changemac(iface) else: print("MAC Changer is not installed, using ifconfig method!") ifconfig_changemac(iface) # Function: macchanger_changemac(iface) def macchanger_changemac(iface): print("[+] Changing your MAC address to something totally random...") # More statuses os.popen("macchanger --random " + iface) # CHANGES MAC ADDRESS!!!!!!! # Function: ifconfig_changemac(iface) def ifconfig_changemac(iface): print("[+] Changing your MAC address to something totally random...") # More statuses os.popen("ifconfig " + iface + " hw ether " + randomMAC()) # Main part!!! print("Welcome to HideMAC - 0x4641494c - v1.2 by infodox") print("This code is still under development - I have a lot of work to do!") print("Have fun...") amiroot() iface = raw_input("what interface are you changing: ") # Sets the interface to fuck with... print("[*] Your Current MAC address is: ") getmac(iface) os.popen("ifconfig " + iface + " down") # Puts interface down :( check() os.popen("ifconfig " + iface + " up") # Puts interface back up :) print("[*] Your New MAC address is: ") getmac(iface)