#!/usr/bin/perl #SIP VoIP Protocol Fuzzer #Created: Blake Cornell use strict; #use warnings; LOTS OF WARNING ____ SOLVE THIS AND INCREASE EFFICIENTY use IO::Select; use IO::Socket; use IO::Socket::INET; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Time::HiRes qw( alarm ); use Digest::MD4 qw( md4_hex ); use Digest::MD5 qw( md5_hex ); use Digest::CRC qw( crc32 crc16 ); use HTML::Entities; my @timeoutDetection = (); my @md5Requests = (); my @md4Requests = (); my @crc32Requests = (); my @crc16Requests = (); my $packetCount = 0; my $socketType=''; my $result = GetOptions('host|h=s' => \(my $host = ''), 'dport|p=s' => \(my $dport = ''), 'sport|p=s' => \(my $sport = ''), 'verbose|v' => \(my $verbose), 'veryverbose|vv' => \(my $veryVerbose), 'connection|c' => \(my $connection), #to listen to response or not 'density|d=s' => \(my $density = 0), #determines how many mutations to use 'timeout|t=s' => \(my $timeout = .1), 'count' => \(my $countTests = 0), #counts the number of packets to test 'md4' => \(my $md4), #can cause timeouts 'md5' => \(my $md5), #can cause timeouts 'crc32' => \(my $crc32), #can cause timeouts 'crc16' => \(my $crc16), #can cause timeouts 'start=s' => \(my $startPosition), #if set, then start at this position 'stringFormats' => \(my $stringFormats), 'stringOverflows' => \(my $stringOverflows), 'integerFormats' => \(my $integerFormats), 'injectHeaders' => \(my $injectHeaders), 'xss' => \(my $xss), 'sqli' => \(my $sqli), 'callId' => \(my $callId), #call id is incremented 'detectVersion' => \(my $detectVersion), 'getOptions' => \(my $getOptions), 'help' => \(my $help), 'proto=s' => \(my $proto), 'sproto=s' => \(my $sproto), 'source|s=s' => \(my $source = '')) or pod2usage(2); #sip source IP print "\n\n"; if($help) { displayHelp(); }; if(!$host) { print "-h, Enter host\n"; exit 1; } if(!$dport) { $dport = 5060; } if(!$sport) { $sport = 12345; if($verbose) { print "Source Spoof Port default setting: " . $sport . "\n"; } }else{ if($verbose) { print "Source Spoof Port user setting: " . $sport . "\n"; } } if(!$connection) { $connection = 1; }else{ $connection = 0; } if(!$density) { $density = 0; } if(!$source) { $source = $host; } $proto = uc($proto); if(!$proto || ($proto != 'TCP' && $proto != 'UDP')) { $proto = "TCP"; if($verbose) { print "Destination Protocol/Layer 4 Protocol default setting: " . $proto . "\n" }; }else{ if($verbose) { print "Destination Protocol/Layer 4 Protocol user setting: " . $proto . "\n" }; } $sproto = uc($sproto); if(!$sproto || ($sproto != 'TCP' && $sproto != 'UDP')) { $sproto = "TCP"; if($verbose) { print "Source Protocol/Layer 4 Protocol default setting: " . $sproto . "\n" }; }else{ if($verbose) { print "Source Protocol/Layer 4 Protocol user setting: " . $sproto . "\n" }; } print "\n\n\n"; if($getOptions) { print getOptions($host,$source,$sport); exit; } my @requestTypes01=('BYE','OPTIONS','PRACK','PUBLISH','INFO','MESSAGE','UPDATED','REFER','SUBSCRIBE','NOTIFY'); #my @requestTypes01=('REGISTER','INVITE','BYE','OPTIONS','PRACK','PUBLISH','INFO','MESSAGE','UPDATED','REFER','SUBSCRIBE','NOTIFY'); if($detectVersion || $verbose) { my $response = getOptions($host,$source,$sport); if(lc($response) =~ m/\nserver: (.[^\n]+)\n/s) { print 'Server Header Detected: '.$1."\n"; print "This is probably A PBX. Adjusting SIP methods accordingly.\n"; @requestTypes01=('REGISTER','INVITE','BYE','OPTIONS','PRACK','PUBLISH','INFO','MESSAGE','UPDATED','REFER','SUBSCRIBE','NOTIFY'); }elsif(lc($response) =~ m/\nuser-agent: (.[^\n]+)\n/s) { print 'Phone Version Detected: '.$1."\n"; @requestTypes01=('INVITE','BYE','OPTIONS','PRACK','PUBLISH','INFO','MESSAGE','UPDATED','REFER','SUBSCRIBE','NOTIFY'); print "This is probably an end user device. Adjusting SIP methods accordingly.\n"; }else{ print "No Server nor User-Agent header.\n"; } } my @packTypes = ('c'); my @strOverflows = ("A",pack("H*",(0x61.0x00)),pack("H*",(0x0d.0x0a)),pack("H*",(0x1b)),pack("H*",(0x00))); my $strOverflowLen = $#strOverflows; for(my $i=0;$i<=$strOverflowLen;$i++) { push(@strOverflows,$strOverflows[$i]x32768); push(@strOverflows,$strOverflows[$i]x16384); push(@strOverflows,$strOverflows[$i]x8192); push(@strOverflows,$strOverflows[$i]x4096); push(@strOverflows,$strOverflows[$i]x2048); push(@strOverflows,$strOverflows[$i]x1024); push(@strOverflows,$strOverflows[$i]x512); push(@strOverflows,$strOverflows[$i]x256); push(@strOverflows,$strOverflows[$i]x128); } my @strFormats = ('%c','%d','%i','%e','%E','%f','%g','%G','%o','%u','%x','%X','%p','%s','%n'); my $strFrmtLen = $#strFormats; for(my $i=0;$i<=$strFrmtLen;$i++) { push(@strOverflows,$strFormats[$i]x32768); push(@strOverflows,$strFormats[$i]x16384); push(@strOverflows,$strFormats[$i]x8192); push(@strOverflows,$strFormats[$i]x4096); push(@strOverflows,$strFormats[$i]x2048); push(@strOverflows,$strFormats[$i]x1024); push(@strOverflows,$strFormats[$i]x512); push(@strOverflows,$strFormats[$i]x256); push(@strOverflows,$strFormats[$i]x128); push(@strOverflows,substr($strFormats[$i],0,1)."9999999".substr($strFormats[$i],1,1)); push(@strOverflows,substr($strFormats[$i],0,1).".4097".substr($strFormats[$i],1,1)); push(@strOverflows,substr($strFormats[$i],0,1).".9999".substr($strFormats[$i],1,1)); push(@strOverflows,substr($strFormats[$i],0,1)."-.0".substr($strFormats[$i],1,1)); } my @chars = (" ",":","<",">","@",".","/",";","=","-","\n","\t","\r"); #CUT THIS UP W/DENSITY for(my $i=0;$i<=$#chars;$i++) { push(@strOverflows,$chars[$i]x32000); } push(@strOverflows,"SHOULDNOTBEINLOGS "x100); my @intFormats = (1,0.0,.0,"0.".("0"x32000)."1",("0"x32000)."1"); my $intFormatLen = $#intFormats; for(my $i=0; $i<=$#chars;$i++) { push(@intFormats,$intFormats[$i]*-1); } my @xssInjections=( '', '">',"'>", '" style="javascript:alert(PAYLOAD);"',"' style='javascript:alert(PAYLOAD);'", '" onload="alert(PAYLOAD);"',"' onload='alert(PAYLOAD);'", '',"", '">',"'>"); my @headerInjections=("\nSipFuzzerHeader: value\n"); #my @logInjection=("[DATE] NOTICE[4069] chan_sip.c: Registration from '2 ' failed for '$source' - No matching peer found"); #path needs to be updated: #my @pbxWare=(""); #my @trixBox=(""); #my @fonality=(""); #my @switchVox=(""); #my @cisco=(""); #my @avaya=(""); #my @aastra=(""); #my @asteriskRealtime=(""); #my @startFishPBX=(""); my @sqlInjections=("' or 1=1",'" or 1=1',"' or 1=0",'" or 1=0'); if($density >= 10) { push(@requestTypes01,'ACK','CANCEL'); } my @headerTypes=('Via','Max-Forwards','Contact','To','From','User-Agent','Call-ID','To','From','User-Agent','Call-ID','CSeq','Content-Type','Content-Length'); #Route, Record-Route, my %responseCodes = (100=>'Trying', 180=>'Ringing', 181=>'Call Is Being Forwarded', 182=>'Queued', 183=>'Session Progress', 200=>'Ok', 202=>'Accepted: Cannot Process', 300=>'Multiple Choices', 301=>'Moved Permanetly', 302=>'Moved Temporarily', 305=>'Use Proxy', 380=>'Alternative Service', 400=>'Bad Request', 401=>'Unauthorized', 402=>'Payment Required', 403=>'Forbidden', 404=>'Not Found', 405=>'Method Not Allowed', 406=>'Not Acceptable', 407=>'Proxy Authentication Required', 408=>'Request Timeout', 409=>'Conflict', 410=>'Gone', 412=>'Consitional Request Failed', 413=>'Request Entity Too Large', 414=>'Request-URI Too Long', 415=>'Unsupported Media Type', 416=>'Unsupported URI Scheme', 417=>'Unknown Resource-Priority', 420=>'Bad Extension', 421=>'Extension Required', 422=>'Session Interval Too Small', 423=>'Inverval Too Brief', 424=>'Bad Location Information', 428=>'Use Identity Header', 429=>'Provide Referrer Identity', 433=>'Anominity DIssalowed', 436=>'Bad Identity-Info', 437=>'Unsupported Certificate', 438=>'Invalid Identity Header', 480=>'Temporarily Unavailable', 481=>'Call/Transaction Does Not Exist', 482=>'Loop Detected', 483=>'Too Many Hops', 484=>'Address Incomplete', 485=>'Ambiguous', 486=>'Busy Here', 487=>'Request Terminated', 488=>'Not Acceptable Here', 489=>'Bad Event', 491=>'Request Pending', 493=>'Undecipherable S/MIME Body', 494=>'Security Agreement Required', 500=>'Internal Server Error', 501=>'Not Implimented: REQUEST METHOD', 502=>'Bad Gateway', 503=>'Service Unavailable', 504=>'Server Time-Out', 505=>'Version Not Supported: SIP PROTOCOL', 513=>'Message Too Large', 580=>'Precondition Failure', 600=>'Busy Everywhere', 603=>'Decline', 604=>'Does Not Exist Anywhere', 606=>'Not Acceptable' ); sub sendFiniteMutation { my($pack,$index,$injectString,@args)=@_; deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index).$injectString,$proto); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index).$injectString.substr($pack,$index),$proto); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index).$injectString.substr($pack,$index-1),$proto); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index).$injectString.substr($pack,$index+1),$proto); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index-1).$injectString,$proto); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index-1).$injectString.substr($pack,$index),$proto); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index-1).$injectString.substr($pack,$index-1),$proto); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index-1).$injectString.substr($pack,$index+1),$proto); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index+1).$injectString,$proto); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index+1).$injectString.substr($pack,$index),$proto); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index+1).$injectString.substr($pack,$index-1),$proto); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index+1).$injectString.substr($pack,$index+1),$proto); } my %sdpDirectives = ( 'a'=>'Session Attribute', 'b'=>'Bandwidth Information', 'c'=>'Connection Information', 'e'=>'Email Address', 'i'=>'Session Information/Media Title', 'k'=>'Encryption Key', 'o'=>'Owner/Creator and Session Identifier', 'p'=>'Phone Number', 's'=>'Session Name', 'u'=>'URI of Description', 'v'=>'Protocol Version', 'z'=>'Time Zone Adjustments', 't'=>'Time The Session Has Been Active', 'r'=>'Repeat Times'); my $currentCallId = "0000000000";#0000000000; if($startPosition) { $currentCallId = ((split('_',$startPosition))[1]); } my @spoofHosts = ($source,$host,''); my @sourceNames = ('bob','doesNotExistSource'); my @destNames = ('alice','doesNotExistDest'); foreach my $spoofHost(@spoofHosts) { my $content = ''; my $lastPacketCount = 0; foreach my $requestType (@requestTypes01) { #if($requestType == "REGISTER") { # $content = ''; #}else{ $content = 'v=0 o=- 6 2 IN IP4 '.$spoofHost.' s=A B C c=IN IP4 '.$spoofHost.' t=0 0 m=audio 15508 RTP/AVP 107 119 100 106 0 105 98 8 3 101 a=alt:1 3 : Sf+epwJ/ N2AgCbzU '.$spoofHost.' 15508 a=alt:2 2 : 16gbQBzu 3rvjxmQo '.$spoofHost.' 15508 a=alt:3 1 : CAKEYBiS GGAivEwQ '.$spoofHost.' 15508 a=fmtp:101 0-15 a=rtpmap:107 BV32/16000 a=rtpmap:119 BV32-FEC/16000 a=rtpmap:100 SPEEX/16000 a=rtpmap:106 SPEEX-FEC/16000 a=rtpmap:105 SPEEX-FEC/8000 a=rtpmap:98 iLBC/8000 a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 a=sendrecv'; #} my $pack = $requestType.' sip:bob@'.$host.' SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/'.$proto.' '.$source.':'.$sport.';branch=z9hG4bK-d8754z-b538815be3603112-1---d8754z-;rport='.$sport.' Max-Forwards: 70 To: bob From: "alice" ;tag=102 Contact: User-Agent: A_B_C Call-ID: '.$currentCallId.' CSeq: 1 '.$requestType.' Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: '.length($content).' '.$content; foreach my $char (@chars) { my $offset = 0; my $index = 0; my $lastTimestamp = time; while($index != -1) { my $currentPosition = ($requestType.'_'.$currentCallId.'_'.$char.'_'.$index.'_'.$offset); if(!$startPosition || $startPosition eq $currentPosition) { $startPosition = undef; if($verbose || $countTests) { print '['.currentTime().'] '.time.': '; print $currentPosition.": "; print time-$lastTimestamp." Seconds, ".($packetCount-$lastPacketCount)." Packet Count, "; if(time == $lastTimestamp) { $lastTimestamp--; } print (($packetCount-$lastPacketCount)/(time-$lastTimestamp)); print " Connections Per Second\n"; $lastTimestamp = time; $lastPacketCount = $packetCount; } my $fuzz=''; if($density >= 1) { deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index));#first to index deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index-1)); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index+1)); } my $maxCharset = 127; if($density >= 4) { $maxCharset = 255; }; for(my $injectChars=0;$injectChars<=$maxCharset;$injectChars++) { foreach my $packType (@packTypes) { if($density >= 1) { sendFiniteMutation($pack,$index,pack($packType,$injectChars)); } } } if($density >= 1 || $stringFormats) { foreach my $strFormat (@strFormats) { sendFiniteMutation($pack,$index,$strFormat); } } if($density >= 1 || $stringOverflows) { foreach my $strOverflow (@strOverflows) { sendFiniteMutation($pack,$index,$strOverflow); } } if($density >= 1 || $integerFormats) { foreach my $intFormat (@intFormats) { sendFiniteMutation($pack,$index,$intFormat); } } if($density >= 2 || $xss) { foreach my $xssInject (@xssInjections) { $currentPosition = HTML::Entities::encode($currentPosition); $currentPosition = HTML::Entities::encode($currentPosition,' '); $xssInject=~s/PAYLOAD/\'$currentPosition\'/; sendFiniteMutation($pack,$index,$xssInject); } } if($density >= 2 || $injectHeaders) { foreach my $header (@headerInjections) { sendFiniteMutation($pack,$index,$header); #send variable that enables a regex via the response. } } if($density >= 2 || $sqli) { foreach my $sqlInject (@sqlInjections) { sendFiniteMutation($pack,$index,$sqlInject); } } deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index-1).substr($pack,$index+1)); }else{ if($verbose) { print $requestType.'_'.$char.'_'.$index.'_'.$offset."\n"; } } $offset = $index+1; $index = index($pack,$char,$offset); } } } } if($verbose) { print "Packet Count: ".$packetCount."\n"; } exit; sub sendFiniteMutation { my($pack,$index,$injectString,@args)=@_; deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index).$injectString); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index).$injectString.substr($pack,$index)); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index).$injectString.substr($pack,$index-1)); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index).$injectString.substr($pack,$index+1)); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index-1).$injectString); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index-1).$injectString.substr($pack,$index)); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index-1).$injectString.substr($pack,$index-1)); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index-1).$injectString.substr($pack,$index+1)); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index+1).$injectString); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index+1).$injectString.substr($pack,$index)); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index+1).$injectString.substr($pack,$index-1)); deliverPacket(substr($pack,0,$index+1).$injectString.substr($pack,$index+1)); } sub checkCollision { my($data,@args)=@_; if($md5) { my $hash = md5_hex($data); if(grep(/$hash/,@md5Requests)) { return 0; } push(@md5Requests,$hash); return 1; }elsif($md4) { my $hash = md4_hex($data); if(grep(/$hash/,@md4Requests)) { return 0; } push(@md4Requests,$hash); return 1; }elsif($crc32) { my $hash = crc32($data); if(grep(/$hash/,@crc32Requests)) { return 0; } push(@crc32Requests,$hash); return 1; }elsif($crc16) { my $hash = crc16($data); if(grep(/$hash/,@crc16Requests)) { return 0; } push(@crc16Requests,$hash); return 1; } return 1 } sub deliverPacket { my($data,$proto,@args)=@_; if(checkCollision($data)) { $packetCount++; if($countTests) { return 0; } return sendSocket($data,$host,$dport,$proto); }else{ if($verbose) { print "\nSkipping Collition Packet\n"; } #if($verbose) { print "MD5 COLLISION!!!!!!!!!\n"; } #if($verbose) { print "."; } } if($callId) { $currentCallId++; }; } sub timeoutDetection { my($packetNumber,@args)=@_; } sub sendSocket { my($msg,$ipaddr,$dport,$proto,@args)=@_; my $response=''; my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET->new( #LocalPort=>$sport, Proto=>$proto, PeerPort=>$dport, PeerAddr=>$ipaddr) or die "CANT OPEN SOCKET!!!\n$@\n"; # $sock->send($msg); print $sock $msg; if($connection) { my $MAXLEN = 1024; my $TIMEOUT = .1; if(defined($timeout) & $timeout ne '' && $timeout != 0) { #timeout of 0 hangs $TIMEOUT=$timeout; } eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm time out"; }; alarm $TIMEOUT; $sock->recv($response,65535) or next; my $retVal = parseResponse($response,$msg); if($retVal == 200) { if(defined($veryVerbose)) { print "\n\n\n\n\n".$msg."\n\n\n"; } #send ack then bye when recieved 200, make sure there is no SDP info -> content-length=0 #once sent bye wait for 200 response. print "\t\tSENDING RECURSIVE REQUEST\t200\n"; sendSocket($msg,$ipaddr,$dport,$timeout,$proto); print "\t\tCLEANING RECURSIVE REQUEST\n"; }elsif($retVal == 100) { #wait on 100 for another packet., should be a 200 # print "\t\tSENDINT RECURSIVE REQUEST\t100\n"; # sendSocket($msg,$ipaddr,$dport,$timeout); # print "\t\tCLEANING RECURSIVE REQUEST\n"; }elsif($retVal == 401) { # print "\t\tSENDINT RECURSIVE REQUEST\t401\n"; # sendSocket($msg,$ipaddr,$dport,$timeout); # print "\t\tCLEANING RECURSIVE REQUEST\n"; } return $response; #return($respaddr,$dport); }; $sock->close(); } } sub parseResponse { my($msg,$request,@args)=@_; my @lines=split("\n",$msg); my @words = split(" ",$lines[0]); #######RULE 1: Abnormal Response Code # if($words[1] != 404 && $words[1] != 501 && $words[1] != 503 && $words[1] != 488) { # if(!$verbose) { print $words[1]."\t".$responseCodes{$words[1]}."\n"; } # } #######END RULE 1 print "\t\t".$words[1]."\t".$responseCodes{$words[1]}." ......... "; print substr($words[1],0,3); if(defined($veryVerbose)) { print $msg."\n\n\n"; } if($density >= 2 || $injectHeaders) { if($msg =~ /SipFuzzerHeader: value/) { print "\t\t\tHEADER INJECTION\n"; print "\t\t\tHEADER INJECTION\n"; print "\t\t\tHEADER INJECTION\n"; print "\t\t\tHEADER INJECTION\n"; print $request."\n\n".$msg."\n\n"; } } if(substr($words[1],0,1)==1) {#PROVISIONAL if(substr($words[1],1,2)== 00) { return 100; } }elsif(substr($words[1],0,1)==2) {#SUCCESS if(substr($words[1],1,2)== 00) { #if(defined($veryVerbose)) { print "\t\t200\n\n"; #} return 200; }else{ #if(defined($veryVerbose)) { print "\t\t2XX\n\n"; #} return substr($words[1],0,3); } }elsif(substr($words[1],0,1)==3) {#REDIRECTION }elsif(substr($words[1],0,1)==4) {#CLIENT ERROR if(substr($words[1],1,2) == 01) { foreach my $line(@lines) { if($line =~ /^WWW-Authenticate/) { return 401; } } }elsif(substr($words[1],1,2) == 04) { return 404; } }elsif(substr($words[1],0,1)==5) {#SERVER ERROR }elsif(substr($words[1],0,1)==6) {#GLOBAL FAILURE } } sub displayHelp { print "THIS IS THERE TO PUT THE HELP REFERENCE\n"; exit; } #http://perl.about.com/od/perltutorials/a/perllocaltime_2.htm sub currentTime { my @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec); my @weekDays = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun); my($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek, $dayOfYear, $daylightSavings) = localtime(); my $year = 1900 + $yearOffset; my $theTime = "$hour:$minute:$second, $weekDays[$dayOfWeek] $months[$month] $dayOfMonth, $year"; return $theTime; } sub getOptions { my($dhost,$source,$sport,$proto,@args)=@_; my $request = 'OPTIONS sip:bob@'.$dhost.' SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP '.$source.':'.$sport.' From: sip:alice@'.$source.';tag=55a66b To: sip:bob@'.$dhost.' Call-ID: 70710@'.$source.' CSeq: 1 OPTIONS'; return deliverPacket($request, $proto); }