# Exploit Title: BlogPHP v2 - XSS # Google Dork: "Copyright ©2006 Powered by www.blogphp.net" # Date: 09/08/2011 # Author: Paul Maaouchy( Paulzz ) # Software Link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/blogphpscript/files/blogphpscript/2.0/BlogPHPv2.zip/download # Version: v2 # Tested on: # CVE : How to exploit: 1- Go there : http://localhost/blogphp/register.html. 2- Put in the Username field the XSS Code. Example: . 3- Put anything in the other field ( Password & E-mail). 4- Now anyone go there : http://localhost/blogphp/members.html will redirected to google.com OR exploit your XSS Code. Paul Maaouchy ( Paulzz ) Contact me @ spy.xp@hotmail.com @ paul.maaouchy@gmail.com @ paulmeouchi@paulmeouchi.com