------------------------ | TCP/IP Flags | | by: | | Neon-Lenz® | ------------------------ I wrote this small white paper to introduce you to the flags in TCP headers. I hope you'll gain knowledge from this, and if not.. bad luck ;-) So let's begin : The TCP-header contains about 6 fields with one bit for flags. There are currently 6 flags in a TCP-header and those are : URG = This flag lets the receiving TCP-module know that the the field of the Urgent Pointer points to urgent data. (The TCP-Module needs to process urgent data than any other data) ACK = This flag notes that the field ACK-number has a valid ACK-number. This helps TCP trusting the DATA. PSH = This flag calls a PUSH. If this flag is on, then the TCP-module has to send the data from the segment directly to the target application. Normally, the TCP-Module would keep the incoming data in a buffer and sends them untill the target application's buffer is full. The PSH-flag lets the TCP-Module know that the data of this segment does not have to arrive in the buffer. Telnet-Applications for example uses this flag. Because of that, TCP sends the inputted keys of the user directly to the Telnet-server. This lets the user see the typed-letters immediately, without lag. RST = This flag asks the receiving TCP-module to let the connection recover (reset). TCP sends a msg with this RST-flag if there are any problems detected with the connection. Most of the applications stops when they receive this flag, but it's possible with the help of the RST-flag advanced algorithms to write which programs can recover from crashes in hardware or software. SYN = This flag instructs the receiving TCP-Module to synchronize sequence numbers. TCP uses this flag to let the receiving TCP-Module know that the sender wants send new data. FIN = This flag lets the receiving TCP-Module know that the sender is finished with sending of data. This flag stops the data- stream in one-way. The receiving TCP-Module has to send a msg with the FIN-flag to close the whole connection. Well that's a short introduction to TCP-Flags, for more information i would recommend you to read RFC's, and other TCP/IP related books, text-files and documents. Spreaded by Neon-Lenz® and The Millennium Hackers Association. Copyrighted and All Rights Reserved® E-Mail:neonlenz@hackermail.net -2000- http://www.mha1.8m.com